This is a simple image classification repositoty for waste images with six classes.
['cardboard','glass','metal','paper','plastic','trash'] each class contains several hundred of images.
You can download the dataset here:
Since this is an image classification task, i fine-tuned the pre-trained ResNet50 model.
First,I remove the origin classification layers in ResNet50
Then, i add two fc-layers.
Finally, i add one classification layers with output classes six.
Cause i have a small amount of training samples about 2 thound images, i implement data augmentation during training time.
Here i used three augmentation methods: rotation, horizontal_flip and vertical_flip, and these are easy implemented with keras
"ImageDataGenerator" method.
python --train_path path_to_your_images
I haven't implemented validation during the training time,you can implement it by yourself if you like.
The model weights reside in weights path, you can use the best model weights to predict or test your image.
For example:
step1: put image in 'test/' dir.
step2: specify weights path '/**/' like 'weights/weights-030-0.01.h5'
step3: turn origin image into a tensor.
step4: wait and check the result.