L1 EVM chains compatible to run ZkEVM
1. Ethereum
2. Binance Smart Chain
3. Gnosis Chain (xDai)
4. Fantom
5. Avalanche
7. RSK
8. TomoChain
9. OKXChain
10. Canto
11. Astar
12. Telos
13. Ubiq
14. ThunderCore
15. Go Chain
16. Wanchain
17. Meter
18. Moonriver
19. KCC
20. Klaytn Cypress
21. Huobi ECO Chain
22. Songbird Canary-Network
23. Fuse
24. Syscoin
Requirements to run ZkEVM
A machine to run the ZkEVM node with the following requirements:
Hardware: 32G RAM, 4 cores, 128G Disk with high IOPS (as the network
is super young the current disk requirements are quite low, but they
will increase overtime. Also note that this requirement is true if the
DBs run on the same machine, but it's recommended to run Postgres on
dedicated infra). Currently, ARM-based CPUs are not supported
Software: Ubuntu 22.04, Docker
Run L1 RPC Node
Running L1 RPC node enables us to get rid of limitations in currently
available rpc. And also enhances performance, security, better control
and securities.
For running it, follow the documentation of the corresponding L1
Note: The L1 Node to be runned must be an archive node.
For checking compatibility
curl -X POST \
'https://l1-rpc.com' \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getCode",
"params": [
"id": 1
The result of above CURL should not contain `missing trie node error` Setup ZkEVM contracts on L1
1. Clone ZkEVM contracts repository to deploy contracts in L1 from
2. Install dependencies
3. Configure
a. menonics in the .env file, as in .env.example
b. Chain information in hardhat.config.js
Deployment parameters (deploy_parameters.json) (ref. c.
Set value from "admin", "zkevmOwner",
"initialZkEVMDeployerOwner" as first address from mnemonics.
Also generate keystore files for aggregator and sequencer and update their addresses accordingly.
Note: The depolyerAddress must contain certain L1 funds for fees.
d. Update package.json script for particular L1 (prepare, deploy deployer, deploy ZkEVM, saveDeployment).
4. Run the following script prepared serially.
npm run prepare:ZkEVM:{L1} && npm run deploy:deployer:ZkEVM:{L1} && npm run deploy:ZkEVM:{L1} && npm run saveDeployment:{L1}
5. Backup the deployment generated config from deployments/{L1}..timestamp which includes
a\. genesis.json
b\. deploy-output.json
c\. deploy-parameters.json
ZkEVM L2 Setup
1. Download the pre-configuration zip
Link: https://github.com/lucoadam/zkevm-setup/releases/download/v1.0/config.tar.gz
2. Extract the zip and update sequencer.keystore,
aggregator.keystore, test.genesis.config.json
3. Change the necessary configuration\
Replace the values of following keys:\
L2BridgeAddrs=(same as BridgeAddr)\
- Run the node using docker-compose.yml file.