- NOTE: This is vanilla dwm bar (status2d patch for setting colors) not dwmblocks or polybar.
- dash (shell)
- imlib2
- xsetroot package ( status2d uses this to add colors on dwmbar)
- JetbrainsMono Nerd Font (or any nerd font) and Material design icon font
git clone https://github.com/siduck/chadwm --depth 1
mv chadwm ~/.config
cd ~/.config/chadwm/chadwm
sudo make install
- copy the stuff from fonts folder to your ~/.local/share/fonts
- autostart script in the scripts dir is just an example one so it must be adjusted for your liking!
Run the autostart file from .xinitrc
(.xinitrc file)
exec ~/.config/chadwm/scripts/./autostart
Create a desktop entry
touch /usr/share/xsessions/chadwm.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=dwm made beautiful
Exec= ~/.config/chadwm/scripts/./autostart
- You need to recompile dwm after every change you make in its src code
cd ~/.config/chadwm/chadwm
rm config.h
sudo make install
- Bar : in bar.sh and config.def.h
- eww : in eww.scss
- rofi : in config.rasi
- HUGE THANKS to eProTaLT83. I wanted certain features in dwm like tabbar in monocle , tagpreview etc and he implemented my ideas and created patches for me! I cant even count the number of times he has helped me :v
- @fitrh helped with colorful tag patch
- 6gk, eww's pure posix fetch functions taken from here
- mafetch, modified version of this was used as fetch in the screenshots
- barpadding
- bottomstack
- cfacts
- dragmfact
- dragcfact (took from bakkeby's build)
- fibonacii
- gaplessgrid
- horizgrid
- movestack
- vanity gaps
- colorful tags
- statuspadding
- status2d
- underline tags
- notitle