- 👋 Hi, I’m Luis Eduardo Pérez Graterol @luisCartoGeo, I live in Venezuela, passionate about GIS since the beginning of my professional life, I have been a blogger (mundocartogeo.blogspot.com--detained--, acolita.com, in my linkedin in/luisedpg/), teacher at Universidad de los Llanos, instructor at Udemy https://www.udemy.com/user/e12ef063-2e2a-46f9-b5f1-7d26b1048cd1/. Environmental consultant, inspector of agricultural and livestock farms. Active at gis.stackexchange.com /users/165771/luis-perez Returning to GIS programming with Python in QGIS (PyQGIS), with various projects such as the QGIS Dashboards plugin and Raster Data Analysis.
- 👀 I’m interested in in everything related to the geospatial field with open source technologies, especially QGIS, Grass, SAGA, and languages like Python, Javascript, etc.
- 🌱 Development of QGIS Plugins for raster and/or vector processes with Python, PyQt, Javascript, PyQGIS
- 💞️ Development of automations in ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap using Python and ArcPy (Script tools)
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate sharing articles, ideas and my development projects and with other content creators
- 🥅 2021 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects
- 📫 You can contact me through my networks, especially linkedin in/luisedpg/ and twitter @Luiseperezg. Or write me at [email protected]
Plugin to build Dashboards in QGIS3