- New York, NY
- https://luismjimenez.com/
luismjimenez.github.io Public template
Forked from evanca/quick-portfolio[DISCONTINUED] Use this template if you need a quick developer / data science portfolio! Based on a Minimal Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages.
HTML The Unlicense UpdatedSep 5, 2024 -
db-capstone-project Public
Capstone project for Meta Database Engineer track on Coursera
first-streamlit-app Public
Streamlit App built for Snowflake DABW Course.
Python UpdatedOct 17, 2022 -
Flight-Delay-Capstone4 Public
Exploratory data analysis of flight delays for capstone project.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 8, 2021 -
nyiso-datathon-eda Public
Exploratory data analysis of New York's independent energy system operator power grid for a datathon hosted by Galvanize.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 3, 2021 -
Exploratory data analysis of FitBit data for a Bellabeat case study to find insights that can inform marketing strategy.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 3, 2021 -
Forked from seanreed1111/PSYCOPG2-LECTUREJupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 22, 2020 -
Airbnb-repo Public
An exploratory data analysis of Airbnb listings in Lisbon, Portugal.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 12, 2020 -
sqlstyle.guide Public
Forked from treffynnon/sqlstyle.guideA consistent code style guide for SQL to ensure legible and maintainable projects
HTML Other UpdatedAug 28, 2020 -
practical-sql Public
Forked from anthonydb/practical-sqlCode and Data for the book "Practical SQL" by Anthony DeBarros, published by No Starch Press (2018).
PLpgSQL Other UpdatedJul 26, 2020 -
Forked from seanreed1111/INTRO-TO-DATA-ANALYSISJupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 21, 2020 -
YouTube-Trending-Videos-Analysis-2019 Public
Forked from ammar1y/YouTube-Trending-Videos-Analysis-2019Code used to perform an extensive analysis on all YouTube trending videos in 2019 for different countries.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 6, 2020 -
awesome-data Public
Forked from datasets/awesome-dataAwesome datasets curated. By topic and for core data https://datahub.io/docs/core-data
UpdatedJun 20, 2020 -
Python-Tutorials Public
Forked from Pitsillides91/Python-TutorialsJupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -