To run the project locally, follow these steps:
Ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- Java 21: The project is configured to use Java 21. Make sure it's installed and set as the default Java version.
- Gradle: Although the project uses the Gradle Wrapper, having Gradle installed can be helpful for managing dependencies and builds.
- Docker: Required for containerizing the application and its dependencies.
- Docker Compose: Needed for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.
This project was fully tested using the Docker image eclipse-temurin:21-jdk-alpine
. This image provides a lightweight, production-ready environment with Java 21, ensuring compatibility and consistent behavior across different systems.
After setting up your environment, you can build and start the application using Docker Compose:
Build env check:
./gradlew build
Build the Docker images:
docker-compose build
Start the application:
docker-compose up
These commands will build the Docker images as defined in your docker-compose.yml
file and start the application along with its dependencies.
- Group:
- Version:
- Java Version:
- Spring Boot:
- A powerful framework for building Java-based web applications with embedded servers and production-ready features.
- Spring Dependency Management:
- Ensures consistent dependency versions throughout the project.
- Spring Boot Starter Web
- Provides the core features for building web applications, including RESTful services.
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA
- Simplifies database interactions using Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate.
- Spring Boot Starter Validation
- Adds support for bean validation using annotations.
- Spring Boot Starter Actuator
- Offers production-ready features like monitoring and health checks.
- Springdoc OpenAPI:
- Enables OpenAPI 3.0 documentation for REST APIs.
- Lombok:
- Automates the generation of boilerplate code (e.g., getters, setters, constructors).
- MapStruct:
- Facilitates the mapping between different Java bean types.
- PostgreSQL Driver
- Allows the application to connect to a PostgreSQL database.
- JUnit 5:
- The modern standard for unit and integration testing in Java.
- Karate:
- A framework for API testing, supporting Gherkin syntax, mocking, and service virtualization.
- H2 Database
- An in-memory database used primarily for testing purposes.
- JaCoCo:
- Generates code coverage reports, showing which parts of the code are covered by tests.
- Gradle:
- The project uses Gradle with Kotlin DSL (
) for build automation.
- The project uses Gradle with Kotlin DSL (
- File Name:
- File Extension:
- File Path: