Henry talent is the final graduation project at soyHenry.com bootcamp developed by WebFT-05 Group 5, following professional coding guidelines and practicies.
It features a web application that helps Henry staffmembers to search and choose different graduated students(candidates) allowing them to create unique dossiers that are sent to HR recruiters through an e-mail with a unique view link. Candidate's profiles can be filtered by different attributes and skills allowing selector and recruiters to swiftly find the ones that suits their needs. On the back, it also allows Henry staff members to CRUD candidate profiles that are ready to be selected and bulk create candidates by uploading a csv file.
- Develop a JavaScript App from scratch.
- Reassure and connect all learned concepts in the Bootcamp.
- Practice GIT workflow / team work in a real working environment, following professional guidelines.
- Use AGILE methodologies & SCRUM
- Learn good programming practices.
- Implement testing to deliver trusty code.
Frontend | Backend |
Javascript (ES6) | NodeJS |
React | Express |
Redux | Typescript |
Material-ui | OpenAPI |
sweetalert2 | MVC |
Prop-types | Mocha/Chai |
PostgreSQL & Sequelize ORM
Prettier, Eslint, CI, Faker, Malgun-js, Multer.
The boilerPlate has two folders: api
and client
Inside api
you must create a file called: .env
that contains the following variables:
PORT= your_own_port
SESSION_SECRET= secretword
DB_URL=back_end_url exp(http://localhost:3001)
CLIENT_URL=front_end_url exp(http://localhost:3000)
TALENT_URL_ROOT =front_end_url
MAILGUN_DOMAIN = mailgun_domain
MAILGUN_APIKEY = mailgun_apikey
MAILGUN_TALENT = mailgun_email
You have to replace your_own_port
, postgresuser
, postgrespassword
, postgresport
, and MAILGUN*
with your own credentials to connect to postgreSQL database, and Mailgun services. This file will be ignored by github, as it contains sensitive information (the credentials).
The SESSION_SECRET is a random security keyword, you can change or keep it.
- Go to your postgreSQL database manager and create a new database. Replace
file with the name of the new database.
- Open the project on your console
- Inside
folder, run the command line,npm install
/yarn install
- Inside
folder, run the command line,npm install
/yarn install
- Inside
- Open the project on your console
- Inside
folder, run the command line,npm run test
/yarn run test
- Inside
- Open the project on your console
folder, run the command line,npm run dev
/yarn run dev
. -
folder, run the command line,npm start
(go to http://localhost:3000/).
- Open the project on your console
- Inside
folder, run the command line,npm run seed
/yarn run seed
to fill the database.
- Inside