LokAI is a local AI assistant in your terminal.
Before we get started make sure you have following tools installed:
To run LokAI type:
cargo run # for more configuration flags see CLI section
Downloaded LLM models, logs, database and conversations are saved into ~/.lokai
LokAI allow you to set some options through CLI.
- defines location of SQLite database. Example values: "sqlite::memory:" (in-memory), "sqlite://db.slite3" (persistent), "db.sqlite3" (persitent)enable-transcription
- transcribes voice into prompt
To use one, many or all options type:
cargo run -- --database-url sqlite::memory: --enable-transcription
To print help type:
cargo run -- --help
Shortcut | Action | App Context |
Ctrl + c | Exit | Global |
Ctrl + n | Add new conversation | Global |
Tab | Next focus | Global |
Shift + Tab | Previous focus | Global |
Delete | Delete selected conversation | Conversation sidebar |
↑/↓ | Switch between conversations | Conversation sidebar |
↑/↓ | Scroll up/down | Chat/Prompt |
Esc | Cancel action | Popups |