A set of functions that makes caching using the Storage interface (localStorage, sessionStorage) easy. It's extremely lightweight, well tested, and comes with top-notch TypeScript definitions out of the box. Documentation generated from source found here.
- New Reach hook for seamless caching
- Invalidation of cached items after a period of time when specified (simple using the conversion functions that are included)
- Stale data is passed back to the getData callback so that only 'new' data needs to be fetched over the network
allows using a function that will optionally resolve twice. Once with the cached data, and then with the fetched data (if the cache has expired).
convertMinutesToMilliseconds(5) // considered valid for 5 minutes
).then((items) => {
// data here is either coming from the cache or the fetch we provided
import React from "react";
import { useCache, convertMinutesToMilliseconds } from "storage-utils";
import { get } from "./RestClient"; // not in this library
const url = "/api/name";
const fetchName = () => get<string>(url);
export function Name() {
let name = useCache(
localStorage, // localStorage will save across browser sessions
url, // using the url as a cache key, but this depends on the use
fetchName, // can be anything that returns a promise of something
0, // immediately consider this value dirty
true // use an expired value from the cache if it exists
// loading will only ever be shown the very first time
// since we are using the option to use the expired
// value from cache while the fetch processes in the
// background and eventually causes a re-render
if (name === undefined) return <div>Loading</div>;
return <div>{name}</div>;