This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh
The project is a comprehensive web-based Instagram clone with responsive design and features like post creation, user authentication, profile management, user search capability, and real-time interactions. I leveraged React and Chakra UI for front-end development and Firebase for backend management.
Some users have encountered the situation that, when they try to visit the website. Chrome displayed the message that the website is a dangerous site.
I have reported the issue that the website does NOT contain any malware or any other potential danger.
To continue visiting website, click "Details" button, and then click "this unsafe site" to navigate you into the website.
You can sign up and log in the instagram clone by using your emails or using your Google account. Notice that if you have give the same username as other users, you will receive an error toast and need to change your username.
You can edit your profile by visiting your profile page and clicking the "edit" button. You can visit your profile by clicking "profile" on the left sidebar, clicking your avatar, or directly navigating to your profile page by adding "/username" in your path name.
You can create your post by clicking "create" on the left sidebar. To post, you must attach a picture. You can also delete your posts in your profile page.
You can search the user by entering their username in the search bar after you click the "search" on the left sidebar.
You can follow/unfollow other users, like/unlike other users' posts, and comment below their posts.