This is a fork from The xmlrpc module is a pure JavaScript XML-RPC client for node.js.
Pure JavaScript means that the XML parsing and XML building use pure JavaScript libraries, so no extra C dependencies or build requirements. The xmlrpc module can be used as an XML-RPC client, making method calls and receiving method responses.
A brief example:
const { XMLRPCClient } = require('xmlrpc-client');
const client = new XMLRPCClient({
host: "",
port: 80,
path: '/'
client.methodCall('sampleMethod', [...params])
.then((response) => {
.catch((reason) => {
If you need to parse to a specific format or need to handle custom data types that are not supported by default, it is possible to extend the serializer with a user-defined type for your specific needs.
A custom type can be defined as follows:
const { CustomType } = require('xmlrpc-client');
const util = require('util');
// create your custom class
const YourType = function (raw) {, raw);
// inherit everything
util.inherits(YourType, CustomType);
// set a custom tagName (defaults to 'customType')
YourType.prototype.tagName = 'yourType';
// optionally, override the serializer
YourType.prototype.serialize = function (xml) {
var value = somefunction(this.raw);
return xml.ele(this.tagName).txt(value);
Released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the complete wording.
Thank you to all the authors and everyone who has filed an issue to help make xmlrpc better.