Library for ST7567A based monochrome displays for STM32 MCUs. Based on STM32 HAL libraries.
Tested with EstarDyn 128x64 SPI LCD Display on WeAct STM32G431CoreBoard. (Ali)
Right now the library supports 4-wire SPI only.
- framebuffer-based
- basic graphic primitives
- point
- horintal line (fast)
- vertical line (fast)
- variable-width fonts
- power-save procedure
- example project
- build with Makefile or STM32CubeIDE
- include the correct HAL header for your MCU (#L18)
- initialize SPI with HAL and provide the handle name (#L37)
- initialize GPIOs for the rest of the display pins with HAL and set port and pin assignments (CS, DC and RST) (#L27-L34)
- include
in your project
The library supports variable-width fonts. Two free pixel fonts are included:
- RetroVille NC (9px)
- videotype (18px)
More fonts can be generated using BMFont and slightly patched
script by Lars Ole Pontoppidan. Instructions to come!
- Partial screen refresh
- Arbitrary lines