This module extends twarc to allow you to build a reply, quote, retweet network from a file of tweets and write it out as a gexf, dot, json or html file. You will need to have networkx
installed and pydotplus
if you want to use dot
. The html presentation uses D3 to display the network graph in your browser.
First you need to install twarc and this plugin:
pip install twarc
pip install twarc-networks
To create a static D3 visualization use the subcommand networks
that is supplied by twarc-networks
twarc2 networks tweets.jsonl network.html
Optionally you can consolidate tweets by user, allowing you to see central accounts:
twarc2 networks --users tweets.jsonl network.html
Additionally, you can create a network of hashtags, allowing you to view their colocation:
twarc2 networks --hashtags tweets.jsonl tweets.html
And if you want to use the network graph in a program like Gephi, you can generate a GEXF file with the following:
twarc2 networks --users tweets.jsonl tweets.gexf
twarc2 networks --hashtags tweets.jsonl tweets.gexf
To run the tests you will need run:
python test