JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js
m1337v / iPhone-VCAM
Forked from qrld23/iPhone-VCAMcompletely translated to english
A TrollStore installer for iOS 14.0 - 16.6.1
✔ Free and serverless uptime monitoring / status page on Cloudflare Workers, with Geo-specific checks
This checker is designed to check numbers for whatsapp installed on them. Validate any numbers from any country. Identify which phone numbers are active and those that are not able to receive whats…
An SMTP library that helps you send email in Cloudflare Workers.
Use cloudflare workers to build socks5 proxy service
A socks5 proxy server deployed on the Cloudflare Worker
osm0sis / mkbootimg
Forked from CyanogenMod/android_system_coremkbootimg + unpackbootimg, forked and updated
Android app to switch Camera HALs on the fly (OnePlus X)
视频播放器(IJKplayer、ExoPlayer、MediaPlayer),HTTPS,16k page size,支持弹幕,外挂字幕,支持滤镜、水印、gif截图,片头广告、中间广告,多个同时播放,支持基本的拖动,声音、亮度调节,支持边播边缓存,支持视频自带rotation的旋转(90,270之类),重力旋转与手动旋转的同步支持,支持列表播放 ,列表全屏动画,视频加载速度,列表小窗口支持拖…
Real-time face swap for PC streaming or video calls
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/SRT server and client framework based on C++11
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
Ready-to-use SRT / WebRTC / RTSP / RTMP / LL-HLS media server and media proxy that allows to read, publish, proxy, record and playback video and audio streams.
WebRTC and ORTC implementation for Python using asyncio
Docker image with Nginx using the nginx-rtmp-module module for live multimedia (video) streaming.
OpenVPN server installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, Amazon Linux 2 and Raspberry Pi OS
real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
新一代SKRoot,挑战全网root检测手段,跟面具完全不同思路,摆脱面具被检测的弱点,完美隐藏root功能,全程不需要暂停SELinux,实现真正的SELinux 0%触碰,通用性强,通杀所有内核,不需要内核源码,直接patch内核,兼容安卓APP直接JNI调用,稳定、流畅、不闪退。
Android Cloud Mobile Virtual Camera
scripts help chinese netizen, who uses vpn to combat censorship, by modifying the route table so as routing only the censored ip to the vpn