To record the experience during the learning of ICS
I finished CSAPP-BombLab, with one and a half day.
I don't think this is a hard-core assignment. But it is REALLY FUN~
With a SUPRISE, I find I have done attackLab.
The last phase is really hard. Maybe I should take it again some time in the future.
Thanks for anyone who helps me in PKUHOLE and Zhihu. I cannot get this 6.28 CPE in the end without your help.
I tried a lot of methods to optimize this subtle program, and some of those are neg-optimization.
Anyway, I got a lot of experience of program-optimization and pipeline-modifycation.
What's more, I get enjoyness during solving numbers of difficult programs.
This is really a high-level free LAB. I finish it may be by some ocassional sense.
In a kind of silence after the mid-examination, I finish this little LAB in one and a half day.
Part A is interesting for a noob who without the experience about write a program with "getopt".
Part B is a bit difficult,because I have to analyis the mapping between Cache_Block and int_matrix.
For 64*64 section, I have to google for effective solution.
By the way, I have to say that the difficulty curve of Part B is NOT appropriate.32*32 and 60*68 is so easy but 64*64 needs so many tricks.
Anyway, I have finished this LAB. I have to rethink Part B_64*64 at some time.
It is a really TOUGH lab! I was sometime want to quit. Thanks a lot, luck is on my side.
I need to pay attetion to so many ways. But I find I get more familar to I/O and ECF.
For the leak of time during fianl-term period, I can't pay all my attention to this tough and challenged lab.
I try my best to debug and do some innovation on data struct and memory managment, and I can only got 89/100 score.
Maybe I can try it again during the winter holiday, although I have terrible with so many SIGSEGV !!!
I was motivated to try "footer-remove" method by a chat message of Bohai Li, my TA of ICS. I find a nice tutorial of MallocLab through JIANSHU.
Actually, I finish my debug by a large amount of luck. Thanks a lot~
I tried some changes to manage the heap, I found the best method is "Best_fit"+"ChunkSize=1 << 12"+"ClassSize=16"+"ThresholdCut=96".
Maybe I will try to optimize this lab in the future. But I am satisfied with myself and my luckness for 94/100 score in this time!