Material design for Django Forms and Admin. Template driven.
- Forms - new way to render django forms
- Strong python/html code separation
- Easy redefinition of particular fields rendering
- Complex form layout support
- Frontend - Quick starter template for modular ERP-like applications developent
- Admin - Material-designed django admin
django-material tested with Python 2.7/3.3, django 1.8:
pip install django-material
Add material into INSTALLED_APPS settings
Include material javascript and styles into your base template.
{% include 'material/includes/material_css.html' %}
{% include 'material/includes/material_js.html' %}
Load the material_form template tag library
{% load material_form %}
And render your form with {% form %} template tag
<form method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
{% form form=form %}{% endform %}
<button type="submit" name="_submit" class="btn">Submit</button>
django-material forms processing is built around simple concept called part. part is like django template block, it has a default value and could be overriden. But parts are created dynamically for each form field, which allows you to redefine specific form field html render output.
Here is the example of rendering form with but prefix email field with email icon.
<form method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
{% form %}
{% part prefix %}<div class="input-group-addon">@</div>{% endpart %}
{% endform %}
<button type="submit" name="_submit" class="btn">Submit</button>
There is a lot of other parts declared in default templates. See template code for details. If your widget is so special, you can completly override its rendering
{% part form.my_field %}any html code here{% endpart %}
Layout object is the way to specify relative fields placements and sizes.
from material import *
layout = Layout(
Row('shipment_no', 'description')
Fieldset("Add to inventory",
Row(Span3('product_name'), 'tags'),
Row('vendor', 'product_type'),
'gender', 'desired_gender'),
Row('cost_price', Span2('wholesale_price'), 'retail_price')))
SpanXX elements are not to material grid classes, but used to determine relative fields width. Each row occupies 12 grid columns. Elements in Row('elem1', 'elem2') would be rendered in 6 grid coulmns each, and in Row(Span2('elem1'), 'elem2') elem1 would be rendered in 8 grid columns, and elem2 in 4 grid columns.
Layouts rendering itself is specified in template.
Material forms library provides LayoutMixin for model form views, populates form fields list directly from layout object
from django import generic
from viewform import LayoutMixin
class SampleView(LayoutMixin, generic.ModelFormView):
layout = Layout(...)
Frontend template assumes that your application contains a set of top level modules each one could restrict user access level and have own submenu.
To quick start add material.frontend and easy_pjax into INSTALLED_APPS settings
Add material.frontend.context_processors.modules into context_processor setting
'context_processors': [
Add 'material.frontend.middleware.SmoothNavigationMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
Add frontend urls into global urlconf module at
from material.frontend import urls as frontend_urls
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^admin/', include(,
url(r'', include(frontend_urls)),
To create a new module make a file, inside app directory, with following content
from material.frontend import Module
class Sample(Module):
icon = 'mdi-image-compare'
By default module expose a single view that renders html template from <module_name>/index.html file.
You can override Module.get_urls() method to provide module url config that would be automatically included into global urls.
To provide custom module menu, just create a template <module_name>/menu.html.
You can disable modules autodiscovery and explicitly list enabled modules in the MODULES setting
Add material.admin into INSTALLED_APPS settings
NOTE: 'material.admin' must be added before 'django.contrib.admin'
Ensure that django.template.context_processors.request in your template context processor settings list
'context_processors': [
Admin support development is on initial stage. Only basic admin features are available.
0.4.0 2015-05-29 - Alpha
- Forms - CheckboxSelectMultiple widgets with multi-column layout support
- Forms - TimeiInput widget support (thnks @Morozzzko)
- Forms - Dynamic formsets support
- Admin - fix user change password form
- Frontend - support for smooth navigation back to initial page
- Migrated to new version of materializecss framework
- List all applications in admin navigation menu
- Added breadcrumbs in admin
- Custom material css and js cleanup
- New Frontend template
- Various widget rendering fixes (splitdatetime, empty selects)
- Fixed SplitDateTime widget rendering with empty value
- More consistent parts/variables names over widgets templates
- Fixed file field submition and validation
- Compact html output
- Added ellipses on long labels overflow
- Switched to material design
- Initial admin interface support
- First alpha version extracted from Viewflow library
- Basic django widgets support