Unity Project with snowflake-1117(Hyemin Kim)
Play data zip file link(support only window and 640X480 screen size)
Esacpe Room
2016.11 ~ 2016.12
Use items in right place or object, and solve questions
Use only mouse left button click
3d objects: Use free 3d objects
Scripts: the code is written by lynring24 and snowflake-1117, but we refered to Unity documents, dev-Korea, and Google
Scenario: written by lynring24 and snowflake-1117
Arrangement and event: Room1(snowflake-1117), Room2(lynring24)
Sound: Use free sounds effect, Fantastic Dim Bar
(Kevin MacLeod의 Fantastic Dim Bar은(는) Creative Commons Attribution 라이선스(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)에 따라 라이선스가 부여됩니다. 출처: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100231 아티스트: http://incompetech.com/)
- ObjectTrigger.cs
- ObjectZoomIn.cs
- ObjectZoomOut.cs
- SwitchClick.cs
- TextBoxStart.cs
- TextBoxTrigger.cs
- CAM_Move.cs
- ITEM.cs
- ITEM_Database.cs
- ITEM_Inventory.cs
- SCENE_Flow.cs
- SCENE_Quit.cs
- SCENE_Loading
- SCENE_SoundPlay.cs