Given a set of symbol assets and dummy responses create your own very simple slot machine
Your simple slot machine should do the following:
- Load & display all the symbols in the /assets folder
- Display the players balance & stake amount
- Display a button which simulates a 'spin' such that when clicked it does the following:
- Deducts players stake from the current balance
- Randomly selects a dummy JSON response from the responses I have provided
- From the response calculate if there was a win, if so add that to the players balance, play the 'win' animations for the correct winning symbols and display the win amount
- The button must remain disabled until all this has been completed
- Make the stake adjustable by the player this should change the amount deducted from the balance when pressing spin
- The stake controls should remain disabled for the duration of the spin and win animations
- This test is intended to demonstrate
- your creativity
- ability to read documentation and implement unfamiliar libraries
- coding style (we like OOD)
Be wary of code sources on the internet
We would like to see an attempt use the tweening engine provided for animations
Ensure documentation is the correct version e.g this project is using version PIXI 5.3.3, feel free to change this but note the version of the spine plugin.
Good luck and have fun
I have setup a basic PIXI game setup for you which contains the SpinePlugin needed to handle the assets and a tweening engine that we use in the gecko framework
Feel free to modify the environment to your preferences provided their are clear instructions for us to run/build the game
The documentation for PIXI, handling spine assets and greesocks tween engine can be found here:
PixiJs - Pixi documentation
pixi-spine - Pixi spine respository
GreenSock - Green socks tween engine documentation