scala-slack is a simple, extensible client library for Scala that provides an interface to the Slack API.
Note: scala-slack is a partial implementation of the Slack API. The Slack API is under heavy development, and this library is subject to frequent change.
- api.test
- auth.test
- channels.history
- channels.list
- chat.delete
- chat.postMessage
- chat.update
- im.close
- im.history
- im.list
- im.mark
scala-slack is listed on Maven Central and can be included in your project by adding this line to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "com.flyberrycapital" %% "scala-slack" % "0.2.0"
scala-slack supports Scala 2.10 and 2.11.
First, instantiate a SlackClient object.
import com.flyberrycapital.slack.SlackClient
val s = new SlackClient(<YOUR_API_TOKEN>)
You can then use Slack API methods:"#yourchannel", "Hello World!")
You can also edit and delete messages easily by using the returned PostMessageResponse object:
val response ="#yourchannel", "Hello World!"), "This is my update.")
Message history can be retrieved with the channels.history and channels.historyStream methods:
val response = s.channels.list()
val channel = response.channels(0)
val history = s.channels.history(
// get stream of messages in descending order
val historyStream = s.channels.historyStream(
historyStream foreach println
All implemented API methods are documented in the code with Scaladoc.
scala-slack can easily be extended to accommodate new API methods and functionality.
For example, if Slack adds a chat.poke method, one could write a new version of the Chat class:
import com.flyberrycapital.slack.HttpClient
import com.flyberrycapital.slack.Methods.Chat
class PokeChat(httpClient: HttpClient, apiToken: String) extends Chat(httpClient, apiToken) {
def poke(userID: String) = {
val response =
Map("user_id" -> userID, "token" -> apiToken)
// handle poke JSON response here...
and then you can incorporate this into a custom version of SlackClient:
import com.flyberrycapital.slack.SlackClient
class PokeSlackClient(apiToken: String) extends SlackClient(apiToken) {
override val chat = new PokeChat(httpClient, apiToken)
That being said, we hope that if you implement additional API methods yourself, you'll consider adding them to this project :)
This project is licensed under the MIT license.