BrainHeart: an integrated open-source software tool for studying heart-brain interactions
Project Description: Recent research has again begun to emphasize the close relationship between the temporal dynamics of heart-rate and blood-pressure with brain dynamics. The study of cardiovascular dynamics and brain dynamics uses a set of conceptually highly inter-related algorithms and software tools, that have yet to be brought together to take advantage of each other. Many projects currently use closed-source commercial software since the existing open-source software is not easy to use or poorly documented. This project aims to implement software to jointly analyze brain and heart dynamics and integrate this software with existing packages as well as existing open datasets. A web platform will also be set up to facilitate web-based analysis.
Pre-requisites: Fluency in Python/MATLAB. Familiarity with signal-processing algorithms and data-science/statistics. Familiarity with Slurm and working with clusters preferred. Basic web-development skills or interest in learning them will be useful.
Tech keywords: Oscillations, brain heart interactions, health AI, time-series analysis, online portals No planned longer absences