Hack the Space is a cyber security CTF-like game created for the 15th SFI Academic IT Festival. The game consists of 12 puzzles in the field of cryptanalysis, steganography, reverse engineering, and web application security.
- Python 3.5+ (dev package)
- GCC, G++
- ffmpeg
- taglib (dev package)
sudo apt install python3 python3-dev gcc g++ ffmpeg libtag1-dev
sudo pacman -S python gcc ffmpeg taglib
It is recommended to use virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp hackthespace/settings/local_settings.py{.example,}
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py generate_assets
python manage.py runserver
Use production_settings.py.example
as the settings base. Remember to
compile the SCSSes before collecting the static files:
python manage.py compilescss
python manage.py collectstatic
Then, use standard methods of deploying Django apps, e.g. using uwsgi and nginx.
There is a short description of the puzzles available in the docs/ directory.
Other people taking part in the development of the game, but not present as the authors of the commits:
- Storyline
- Graphics
- Maksymilian Szymczak
- Patrycja Kochan
- Name, Terms of Service
- Jan Kubierecki
- Testing, ideas
The repository contains files of the following third-party projects:
- Bootstrap licensed under the MIT license
- Neon Glow Theme licensed under the MIT license
- jQuery Terminal Emulator licensed under the MIT license
- Open Iconic licensed under the MIT license, fonts licensed under the Open Font License