- This code uses SQLAlchemy and MQTT to read topics sent by the publisher in json dictionary format, parse it and save it into SQL database in our case its PostgresQL. using alembic for database migrations but its not totally configured yet. but the rest is working perfectly.
These instructions explanation should give you an understanding of which file do what.
config.py >>> it has the database configurations
db.py >>>> its used for the CURD operations inside the database
models.py >>> where you create the tables using SQLAlchemy
MQTT.py >>>> the subscriber main code in python - MQTT
setup.sh >>> bash file for rasberrypi to install python 3.7
What things you need to install the software and how to install them you will also need to be familiar with MQTT and have a publisher working , and broker in the middle in our case we used RasberryPi as broker , this is just the subscriber code setup to log readings into PostgresQL
MQTT - Publisher device publishing messages
you can install all " pip install -r requirments.txt "
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Mo Salam - m7salam