Tested for Python version 3.8.10.
sudo apt-get install redis-server
It also shows the port on which your REDIS server is running on.
If you get back the response PONG it's mean your connection is alive.
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
It is recommended to first start MLRidin Sniffer process then start MLridinML process.
cd MLRidinSniffer
usage: mlridin [-h] (-i INPUT_INTERFACE | -f INPUT_FILE) [-c] [--output-file OUTPUT]
A Machine Learning based Real-time Intrusion Detection System in Network
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This interface will be used to capture traffic in order to convert it into
the flow.
This file will be converted to the flow.
-c, --csv, --flow The output will be store in the form of csv in output file.
--output-file OUTPUT default: flow.csv, The file output will be written to.
python main.py --file ../hulk.pcap -c
By default, the above command will store the generated flows in the MLRidinSniffer/flow.csv file.
sudo su
source venv/bin/activate
python main.py -i <interface_name> -c
In order to find the interface_name, you can use
ip a
command and replace the placeholder <interface_name> with your actual interface name for instance ens33. Root privilege is require to fetch traffic from NIC in real-time.
cd MLRidinML
python main.py
Make sure that the Models file exist in the directory MLRidinML/models/. You can download the models from here.