An e-commerce storefront for Vendure built with Qwik & Qwik City.
- Cart ✅
- Checkout flow ✅
- Search facet filters ✅
- Login ✅
- Account creation
- Customer account management
- SPA-mode navigation
- Set up GraphQL code generation
Contributions welcome!
Server-side rendered index.html, with client-side modules prefetched and loaded by the browser. This can be used to test out server-side rendered content during development, but will be slower than the client-only development builds.
npm run dev.ssr
A production build should generate the client and server modules by running both client and server build commands.
npm run build
Production build that creates the server-side render (SSR) module that is used by the server to render the HTML.
npm run build.ssr
This app has a minimal Express server implementation. After running a full build, you can preview the build using the command:
npm run serve
Then visit http://localhost:8080/