DenkMap is a location-based mobile app dedicated to monuments. It's name is a play of words of the German term for monument (Denkmal) and map.
This project was started at the Zurich Hacknights organised by Open Data Zürich. You can find more information about this project on the Wiki.
Denkmap is built using Travis CI:
The app is deployed on Heroku:
To run denkmap on your local machine, you need to install vagrant (>=1.5). Then all you have to do is run the following command:
vagrant up
This setups a virtual machine with all needed software and configuration.
For easier access make sure to add the following line to your hosts
file (usually /etc/hosts
): denkmap.lo
After those steps you can access your local version of denkmap using any browser with the url http://denkmap.lo.
Run the install script:
Make sure you have Sencha Cmd installed on your development machine.
- Download WFS Service as GML:
- Install ogr2ogr (apt-get install gdal-bin)
- Convert the GML to a GeoJSON:
ogr2ogr -f geoJSON -s_srs EPSG:21781 -t_srs EPSG:4326 denkmal.geojson DenkmalschutzWFS.gml
- Remove surounding FeatureCollection
- Ensure that 1 object on 1 line
- Rename MultiPoint to Point and remove the extra array
Please ensure that there is a running MongoDB instance on Heroku. Currently the MongoLab add-on is used for this. To activate it run:
heroku addons:add mongolab
- Pirmin Kalberer
- Thomas Husmann
- Stefan Oderbolz
- Adi Herzog
- Priska Haller
- Andi Vonlaufen
- Beat Estermann
- Oliver Berchtold
- Map designed by Jonathan Higley from The Noun Project.
- Thought Bubble designed by irene hoffman from The Noun Project
- Geo data: OpenStreetMap (ODbL)
- Tiles: CloudMade (CC-BY-SA)