Tags: maciejmalecki/trex64
Full version (#116) * Move to gradle plugin 1.3.0 and automate sprite export * plugin 1.4.0 and ctm v8 * upgrade tooling * update tooling version * Use meta data; Use Materials based BG collision checking. * world 2 * Improved BG collision checking (collision with water/lava chars). * animation of bg * Introduce world 2; packing charsets. * world3 * memory layout rearrangement * setup world 3 * BG animations. * Improve memory layout, memory savings, adding new death sequences. * world 2 impro * world 3 * fixing unpacking tile set * Adding more world 2/3 levels, even more savings. * world2 * save even more room by putting sprites last to the music * world2 * progressing thru worlds * optimizations * Removing of obstacle mark * world 2/3 * alternative death methods * some more bg for world3 * Fixing screen shift at start of the level bug; number of lives increased to 5 * use [email protected] * use newest chipset * use [email protected] * use text lib * clean up unused code * Fixing ugly color RAM glitch * support ntsc * ntsc * improve ntsc * support ntsc * dead code removal * fixes * ntsc fixes * clean up the code, add license * ntsc slow music down * extra live bonus * world1 and 2 fixes * fix ducking in air * fixing duck anim * easier world 1 * Fixed NTSC glitch due to screen on after starting copper (copper does not work if the screen is off); also fixed ugly level screen transition on NTSC. * remove unused code; access full RAM for unpacking * end game screen * final version of title screen (pal/ntsc info) * crunch script * fix crunch script * alt death combo * better reporting * exomizer attempt * exo fix * exomizer attempt * fix exo * see compiled exo * exomize outs * do not produce d64 from asm any longer * use exomizer 3.1.1 * alt death sounds * delay game over seq * death jumps eliminated from world2 and 3 * polish world 3 * world 3 work * change in pipeline * fix pipeline * no crunching in standard build * fix workflow * cci fix * fix ci * fix ci * fix ignore on the flow * support for beta tags * use new docker img * use provided exomizer * debug * ts * one more try * generate SID out of SNG via retro tool * debug info * use fixed image * use image 0.1.5 * wrld 3 work * world 3 work * world 2 * world2 * poziom 2 * bump to newest version of the plugin * solv confl * last level extended and speeded up * mus work * mus * world 1 fixes * world 2 work, splash anim work * world 2 * world 2 * world 2 * world2 * world 2 * world 2 * rearrange mem to have more space for code etc * fix * w2 * w2 * w3 * w2,3 * w2 * w2 * w3 * w2 * fixing death and jump * w3 * mus * mus * fixes * w2 * fixing death jump problem definitely * optimize w1 * mus * w2 * mus * use plugin 1.5.2 * mus * mus * mus2 * m2 * m2 * w2 * m2 * m2 * m2 * m2 * m * mus2 * m2 * w2 * m * m * m * m * m * update copyright * l 3-4 * l3 * , * w34 * w3-4 * w25 * w2 * gfx * mus * w2,3 * readme * update to newest docker image * readme * readme * readme * w1 * w2 * w2 * w3 * Update doc * Save some bytes on texts * Optimize mem * Extra memory gained * w3 * w3 * Fixing race condition on actor death * mus * w2 and sng * w3 * w2 spr * w2,w3 enemy * Fixed duck after land * fix bg w2 * Fix maps * m * mus * ntsc * w3 * vogel * prerelase * preview * black snake * remove pal text * God mode added * w3 * use text 0.3.0 * Use copper64 0.3.0 * w2 * w2 * Improvements in CTM handling * updated readme * Known bugs * readme * w3 * Decrement lives to 0 on game over * Balancing for NTSC Co-authored-by: Zuzanna Malecka <[email protected]>
T-Rex 64 Preview Official (#78) * improved gfx lvl 1-3 * credits improved * update screenshots * levels 1-4, 1-5 intial * level 1-5 extended to max * work on credits * support full 256 charset * lev 4 5 gfx * gfx for 1-4 * level 1-4 * level 1-4 * l 1-4 * level 1-4, 1-5 gfx * gradle plugin 1.2.0 * game slow down problem fixed (IRQ arrangement) * enemies for 1-4 * title music improved * dino duck improved; unnecessary files removed * unused files removed * clean up sprites; move from spritemate into spritepad * added animations, colors adjusted * max level in level rotation * irq layout improved to reduce slow-downs * duck animation improved * doc update * fix score counting * impr sound * clean up music * remove unused code * License * Level 1-4 * licence * License * Remove redundant instruments * #59 fixing random jumping on a first death (lack of proper initialization) * Added screens from 1-4 * Game slowdowns fixed * level 1-4 * level 1-4 * level 1-4 * level 1-4 * level 1-5 * level 1-5 * level 1-5 * level 1-5 gfx and sprites * Music * Fixed music Co-authored-by: Zuzanna Malecka <[email protected]>
Develop 0.3.0 (#71) * move to kotlin gradle build script * convert font via charset * working on title screen * music update * title screen effects * logo work * title * title sreen * logo * logo work * game logo * title scr * Fix ugly screen switches * logo adjustments * clean on subroutines * refactored codebase * refactoring * fix import * refactor * refactoring * upgrade to gradle 7.0.2 * fixed problem with screen shift on scrolling stop * level 1-3 fix * levels 1..3 * level clean up * level 1-3 * music + backdrops * music * music * backdrops for level 1-3 * 1-3 enemies * ingame tune * mus * improve score counting * tunes * next level tune * game over tune * mus * hi-score * title mus v0.1 * fancy end game screen * #54 game over problem solved with a tiny hack * music
Develop (#48) * Music debug code * Add actors module * plug actors in * actors * bird part 1 * fix on actors * custom actor color added * mehr Vogel * collisions with actors detected * fixed initial position of actors bug * actor removal fixed * no controls once dead * dino animation work * dino animation * sprite polished and jump on death sequence * dead dino moved up * end level animation bug fixed * dino duck improved * fixed problem with sprite garbage at the beginning * reset spriteEnable * fix on actor reset * [fixed] Instant death after level restart bug