Fetch Robotics
A "Contractor Style" monthly invoice generator for Toggl
eugene1g / phantomjs
Forked from ariya/phantomjsPhantomJS 2.0.0 binaries for OSX and linux (temp, until upstream is patched)
[abandoned] Intelligently searches through a list of file names for the one you were probably looking for.
SuperModule allows defining class methods and method invocations the same way a super class does without using def included(base). This also succeeds ActiveSupport::Concern by offering lighter syntax
The Typeahead plugin from Twitter's Bootstrap 2 ready to use with Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4
Apitome: /iˈpitəmē/ An API documentation presentation layer for RSpec API Documentation output.
Documentation for the Spark API. This repo powers docs.spark.io, pull requests welcome!
Device OS (Firmware) for Particle Devices
Android library that sets an ImageView's contents from a url. Manages image downloading, caching, and makes your coffee too.
Alloy is an MVC framework for the Appcelerator Titanium SDK
Pusher client library for Java targeting general Java and Android.
Git repository for TC349: Clientside Web Development