© 2014-2016 Teodor Petrov under GNU General Public License
© 2012-2013 Scott Daniels (http://provideyourown.com) under GNU General Public License
Portions are: © 2012 Stanley Huang ([email protected]) under GNU General Public License
This project provides a project template for the Code::Blocks IDE, which allows easy creation of Arduino projects. It is based on several other such templates. The template provided by Code::Blocks Arduino project is used as a base. Its main goal is to provide easy to use standalone template, which can be used in vanilla Code::Blocks install.
- Dedicated project wizard for Arduino development
- Integrated Arduino core files and libraries
- Calls AVRDUDE for uploading (Flash and EEPROM) via USB or programmer as a post build step
- Allows the user to select what targets/devices he/she wants to build for
- Allows the user to choose the enabled libraries
- Setups every target to build object and binary files in a separate folders
The wizard requires minimum Arduino 1.6.9 to work properly. The Wizard does not support Arduino 1.0.x. Code::Blocks SVN rev 9843, because there are some changes in the Scripted wizard plugin.
- Install and configure GCC AVR compiler in the Code::Blocks
- Checkout or download the Wizard to your computer
On Windows:
On Linux:
Create the directory structure
Create a link to the location of the wizard from the steps above:
~/.local/share/codeblocks/templates/wizard/arduino-> /<somelocation>/cb_arduino_template
Copy the main config.script file to the local config locations:
cp /usr/share/codeblocks/templates/wizard/config.script ~/.local/share/codeblocks/templates/wizard/
Add the following two lines in the RegisterWizards function to the file
if missingRegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("arduino"), _T("Arduino Project"), _T("Embedded Systems")); RegisterWizard(wizTarget, _T("arduino"), _T("Arduino"), _T("Embedded Systems"));
After you create a project with the wizard the Global Variables dialog will show up and will ask you for the path to the root of the Arduino installation:
ls ~/bin/arduino-1.6.9/
arduino arduino-builder dist examples hardware install.sh java lib libraries reference revisions.txt tools tools-builder uninstall.sh
Tested only on Linux. If you test it on Windows or OSX and make changes please provide patches.