LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .NET
Clone this repository as well as libgit2sharp.nativebinaries so they are in folders next to each other:
git clone git clone
Example folder structure:
C:\source\madcapsoftware\libgit2sharp C:\source\madcapsoftware\libgit2sharp.nativebinaries
Open a powershell terminal to the root of the libgit2sharp.nativebinaries repository
and create a local nuget package, specifying the version to use. The version at time of writing matches the mainlibgit2sharp.nativebinaries
repository with a-ssh
suffix..\UpdateAllLibsToSha.ps1 -libgit2sha main -libssh2sha master -zlibsha master .\build.libgit2.ps1 -x86 -x64 -libssh2 .\nuget.exe Pack nuget.package/NativeBinaries.nuspec -Version 2.0.320-ssh -NoPackageAnalysis
Open the LibGit2Sharp solution
Right click the LibGit2Sharp project and click "Manage NuGet packages..."
Make sure "Package source" is set to "libgit2sharp.nativebinaries" which is a local relative path to the package generated in step 3
Check "Include prerelease" as the package version is a prerelease version due to the
suffix -
Click Install to update to the latest version
Build the
solution configuration.
NOTE: The version of the resulting dll is based on the most recent git tag, which in this case is 0.27.2-ssh.0
For more details, see:
- Usage or programming related question? Post it on StackOverflow using the tag libgit2sharp
- Found a bug or missing a feature? Feed the issue tracker
- Announcements and related miscellanea through Twitter (@libgit2sharp)
- Fork and clone locally
- Create a topic specific branch. Add some nice feature. Do not forget the tests ;-)
- Send a Pull Request to spread the fun!
More thorough information is available in the wiki.
LibGit2Sharp strives to have a comprehensive and robust unit test suite to ensure the quality of the software and to assist new contributors and users, who can use the tests as examples to jump start development. There are over one thousand unit tests for LibGit2Sharp, and this number will only grow as functionality is added.
You can do a few things to optimize running unit tests on Windows:
- Set the
environment variable to a path in your development environment.- If the unit test framework cannot find the specified folder at runtime, it will fall back to the default location.
- Configure your anti-virus software to ignore the
path. - Install a RAM disk like IMDisk and set
to use it.- Use
imdisk.exe -a -s 512M -m X: -p "/fs:fat /q /v:ramdisk /y"
to create a RAM disk. This command requires elevated privileges and can be placed into a scheduled task or run manually before you begin unit-testing.
- Use
- Code: The LibGit2Sharp contributors
- Logo: Jason "blackant" Long
The MIT license (Refer to the file)