Mathurin Videau*, Badr Youbi Idrissi*, Daniel Haziza, Luca Wehrstedt, Jade Copet, Olivier Teytaud, David Lopez-Paz. *Equal and main contribution
Meta Lingua is a minimal and fast LLM training and inference library designed for research. Meta Lingua uses easy-to-modify PyTorch components in order to try new architectures, losses, data, etc. We aim for this code to enable end to end training, inference and evaluation as well as provide tools to better understand speed and stability. While Meta Lingua is currently under development, we provide you with multiple apps
to showcase how to use this codebase.
The following commands launch a slurm job that creates an environment for Meta Lingua. The env creation should take around 5 minutes without counting downloads.
git clone [email protected]:fairinternal/lingua.git
cd lingua
bash setup/
# or if you have access to a slurm cluster
sbatch setup/
Once that is done your can activate the environement
conda activate lingua_<date>
and launch a debug job to check if everything works. The provided configurations are templates, you need to adapt them for them to work (change dump_dir, data root dir etc...)
# stool stands for slurm tool !
python -m lingua.stool script=apps.main.train config=apps/main/configs/debug.yaml nodes=1 partition=<partition>
# if you want to launch locally you can use torchrun
torchrun --nproc-per-node 8 -m apps.main.train config=apps/main/configs/debug.yaml
# or you can also launch on 1 GPU
python -m apps.main.train config=apps/main/configs/debug.yaml
We get very strong performance on many downstream tasks and match the performance of DCLM baseline 1.0.
name | arc_challenge | arc_easy | boolq | copa | hellaswag | obqa | piqa | siqa | winogrande | nq | tqa |
Transformer 1B | 36.48 | 62.83 | 62.57 | 79.00 | 63.62 | 37.40 | 75.14 | 45.19 | 61.64 | 8.75 | 26.31 |
minGRU 1B | 30.82 | 57.89 | 62.05 | 74.00 | 50.27 | 37.00 | 72.31 | 43.76 | 52.49 | 3.24 | 9.03 |
minLSTM 1B | 31.76 | 60.04 | 62.02 | 73.00 | 53.39 | 36.40 | 72.36 | 45.09 | 52.80 | 4.52 | 12.73 |
Hawk 1B | 34.94 | 63.68 | 62.42 | 76.00 | 63.10 | 38.20 | 73.23 | 46.01 | 55.33 | 8.42 | 23.58 |
Mamba 1B | 35.54 | 63.42 | 62.63 | 74.00 | 64.16 | 38.80 | 75.24 | 45.14 | 60.14 | 8.84 | 26.64 |
name | arc_challenge | arc_easy | boolq | copa | hellaswag | obqa | piqa | siqa | winogrande | mmlu | nq | tqa | bbh |
Mamba 7B 200B tokens | 47.21 | 76.03 | 65.63 | 84.00 | 77.80 | 44.00 | 80.25 | 49.69 | 70.24 | 32.81 | 20.53 | 51.93 | 20.35 |
Llama 7B 200B tokens | 46.95 | 75.73 | 64.80 | 84.00 | 77.45 | 45.00 | 80.20 | 48.26 | 70.32 | 48.64 | 20.66 | 51.01 | 31.47 |
Llama 7B squared relu 1T tokens | 49.61 | 76.74 | 72.45 | 89.00 | 81.19 | 44.80 | 82.05 | 49.95 | 72.14 | 60.56 | 25.68 | 59.52 | 42.11 |
Meta Lingua is structured as follows:
┣ 📂lingua # Core library
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┗ 📜
┣ 📂setup
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┗ 📜
┗ 📂apps # Apps that put components together
┣ 📂main # Main language modeling app with llama
┃ ┣ 📂configs
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┗ 📜
┣ 📂fastRNN
┃ ┣ 📂component
┃ ┣ 📂hawk
┃ ┣ 📂minGRU
┃ ┣ 📂minLSTM
┣ 📂mamba
┣ 📂mtp # Multi token prediction
┗ 📂plots
The lingua
folder contains some essential and reusable components, while the apps folder contains scripts that put those components together. For instance the main training loop is in apps/main
. We highly encourage you to use that as a template and modify it however you please to suit your experiments.
Nothing is sacred in Meta Lingua. We've specifically tried to make it as easily modifiable as possible! So feel free to branch out and modify anything.
Here's a quick description of the most important files and features:
- : Defines model architecture. This is pure PyTorch nn.Module ! Nothing fancy here.
- : Handles distributing the model on multiple GPUs. This is done through parallelize_module function which wraps your vanilla nn.Module and applies nearly any combination of Data Parallel, Fully Sharded Data Parallel, Model Parallelism, torch.compile, activation checkpointing and float8.
- : Dataloader for LLM pretraining.
- : Small wrapper around xformers' profiler which provides automatic MFU and HFU calculation and dumps profile traces in profiling folder in your dump directory. It also has memory profiling trace.
- : Manages model checkpoints. It saves model in checkpoints folder in your dump dir in .distcp format which is the new PyTorch distributed saving method. This format allows to reload the model with a different number of GPUs and with a different sharding. You can also convert those into normal PyTorch checkpoints with
and the other way aroundtorch_save_to_dcp
. - : Utilities to work with configs.
Most components need configuration and we chose to use data classes to represent these configuration objects. helps with converting between config.yaml and config dictionaries into the respective data classes.
So for examples the TrainArgs in apps/main/ has a LMTransformerArgs, OptimArgs, etc ... as children.
Here is an example configuration file that will be converted to TrainArgs:
# This is where Meta Lingua will store anything related to the experiment.
dump_dir: /path/to/dumpdir
name: "debug"
steps: 1000
seed: 12
lr: 3e-4
warmup: 2000
lr_min_ratio: 0.000001
clip: 10.0
fsdp_type: full_shard
compile: true
selective_activation_checkpointing: false
dim: 1024
n_layers: 8
n_heads: 8
root_dir: data/shuffled
wikipedia: 80.0
arxiv: 20.0
batch_size: 32
seq_len: 1024
load_async: true
name: sp
path: tokenizers/llama2.model
The command line interface in all scripts (,, uses OmegaConf This accepts arguments as a dot list So if the dataclass looks like
class DummyArgs:
name: str = "blipbloup"
mode: LMTransformerArgs = LMTransformerArgs()
class LMTransformerArgs:
dim: int = 512
n_layers: int = 12
Then you can pass model.dim=32 to change values in LMTransformerArgs or just name=tictac for top level attributes. simply takes as argument the path to a config file and will load that config. The behavior here is as follows:
- We instantiate TrainArgs with its default values
- We override those default values with the ones in the provided config file
- We override the result with the additional arguments provided through command line
If we take the DummyArgs example above, calling with config=debug.yaml model.dim=64 name=tictac
where debug.yaml contains
n_layers: 24
will launch training with the config
DummyArgs(name="tictac", LMTransformerArgs(dim=64, n_layers=24))
Since we want to do distributed training, we need
to run N times (with N being the number of GPUs)
The easiest way to do this is through SLURM. And in order to make that simpler, we provide lingua/
which is a simple python script that
- Saves the provided config to dump_dir
- Copies your current code to dump_dir in order to back it up
- Creates an sbatch file
which is then used to launch the job with the provided config.
It can either be used through command line
python -m lingua.stool config=apps/main/configs/debug.yaml nodes=1 account=fair_amaia_cw_codegen qos=lowest
Or the launch_job
function directly. This allows you for example to create many arbitrary configs (to sweep parameters, do ablations) in a jupyter notebook and launch jobs directly from there.
Since the configuration file is copied to dump_dir, an easy way to iterate is to simply change the config file and launch the same command above.
In order to iterate quickly, it is preferable not to have to wait for a slurm allocation every time. You can instead ask slurm to allocate resources for you, then once they're allocated you can run multiple commands on that same allocation.
For example you can do :
salloc --nodes 2 --cpus-per-gpu 16 --mem 1760GB --gres=gpu:8 --exclusive --time=72:00:00
Which will give you access to 2 nodes in your current terminal. Once the allocation is done, you will see some slurm environement variables that were automatically added such as $SLURM_JOB_ID and others... This allows you for example to do in the same terminal
srun -n 16 python -m apps.main.train config=apps/main/configs/debug.yaml
Which will run the python -m apps.main.train config=apps/main/configs/debug.yaml
command on each of the 16 GPUs. If this crashes or ends you can just relaunch srun again because the nodes are already allocated to you and you don't have to wait for slurm to give you the resources again.
This will also show you the outputs of all those commands in the same terminal which might become cumbersome.
Instead you can use stool directly to configure logs to be separated into different files per GPU.
python -m lingua.stool config=apps/main/configs/debug.yaml nodes=2 launcher=bash dirs_exists_ok=true
Notice that we added launcher=bash which basically means that the generated submit.slurm will simply be executed instead of submitting it through sbatch. The submit.slurm has an srun command also so this is very similar to the above srun command. We also add dirs_exists_ok=true to tell stool that it is okay to override things in an existing folder (code, config, etc)
If you want to use pdb to step through your code, you should use -n 1 to run only on 1 GPU.
Evaluations can run either during training periodically or you directly launch evals on a given checkpoint as follows:
srun -n 8 python -u -m apps.main.eval config=apps/main/configs/eval.yaml
You need to specify the checkpoint and dump dir of the evaluation in that config
Or through stool with
python -m lingua.stool script=apps.main.eval config=apps/main/configs/eval.yaml nodes=1 account=fair_amaia_cw_codegen qos=lowest
┣ 📂checkpoints
┃ ┣ 📂0000001000
┃ ┣ 📂0000002000
┃ ┣ 📂0000003000
┃ ┣ 📂0000004000
┃ ┣ 📂0000005000
┃ ┣ 📂0000006000
┃ ┣ 📂0000007000 # Checkpoint and train state saved every 1000 steps here
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜.metadata
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜__0_0.distcp
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜__1_0.distcp
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜params.json
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜train_state_00000.json
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜train_state_00001.json
┣ 📂code # Backup of the code at the moment the job was launched
┣ 📂logs
┃ ┗ 📂166172 # Logs for each GPU in this slurm job.
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜166172.stderr
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜166172.stdout
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜166172_0.err
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜166172_0.out
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜166172_1.err
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜166172_1.out
┣ 📂profiling
┃ ┣ 📂memory_trace_plot # Trace of memory usage through time for all GPUs
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜000102_h100-192-145_451082.html
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜000102_h100-192-145_451083.html
┃ ┗ 📂profile_CPU_CUDA_000104 # Profiling traces for all GPUs
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜
┣ 📜base_config.yaml
┣ 📜config.yaml
┣ 📜metrics.jsonl
┗ 📜submit.slurm
author = {Mathurin Videau, Badr Youbi Idrissi, Daniel Haziza, Luca Wehrstedt, Jade Copet, Olivier Teytaud, David Lopez-Paz},
title = {{Meta Lingua}: A minimal {PyTorch LLM} training library},
url = {},
year = {2024}
Meta Lingua is licensed under CC-by-NC license. Refer to the LICENSE file in the top level directory.