To enable binary logging configure the following settings on the master server and restart the service:
binlog_format = row
binlog_row_image = full
If binlog_row_image is full, all columns in the before and after image are logged.
To use cdc, create a user which is granted REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT and SELECT privileges.
CREATE USER cdc@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.madvirus:mariadb-cdc:'
Create a MariadbCdcConfig:
MariadbCdcConfig config = new MariadbCdcConfig(
"localhost", // host
3306, // port
"cdc", // user for cdc
"password", // password
"bin.pos"); // bin position trace file
If no "bin.pos" file exists, read from current binary log position. If "bin.pos" file contains binary log position, read from that position. MariadbCdc records next position while reading binary log.
JdbcColumnNamesGetter columnNamesGetter = new JdbcColumnNamesGetter(
"localhost", // host
3307, // port
"cdc", // cdc user
"password", // password
"bin.pos"); // bin position trace file
MariadbCdc cdc = new MariadbCdc(config, columnNamesGetter);
MariadbCdc uses a ColumnNamesGetter to extract column names of table.
JdbcColumnNamesGetter use the following query to get column names:
WHERE table_schema = '?' and TABLE_NAME = '?'
If you use mariadb 10.5 or above version and config 'full' binlog_row_metadata value, then JdbcColumnNamesGetter is not needed to get column names:
// use mariadb 10.5 and 'full' binlog_row_metadata value
// JdbcColumnNamesGetter is not needed
MariadbCdc cdc = new MariadbCdc(config);
Use MariadbCdc#setMariadbCdcListener method to handle CDC event:
cdc.setMariadbCdcListener(new MariadbCdcListener() {
public void started(BinlogPosition binlogPosition) {
// cdc started
public void startFailed(Exception e) {
// failed to start cdc
public void onDataChanged(List<RowChangedData> list) {
// handle changed data
list.forEach(data -> { // each
String database = data.getDatabase(); // get database name of changed row
String table = data.getTable(); // get table name of changed row
DataRow dataRow = data.getDataRow(); // get changed row data
if (data.getType() == ChangeType.INSERT) {
Long id = dataRow.getLong("id"); // get Long value of id column
// ...
} else if (data.getType() == ChangeType.UPDATE) {
String name = dataRow.getString("name"); // get String value of updated name column
DataRow dataRowBeforeUpdate = data.getDataRowBeforeUpdate(); // before image
String nameBeforeUpdate = dataRowBeforeUpdate.getString("name"); // get String value of name column before update
// ...
} else if (data.getType() == ChangeType.DELETE) {
String email = dataRow.getString("email"); // get value of email column of deleted row
// ...
public void onXid(Long xid) {
// transaction commit log
/* if you want to use next bin log position value on xid,
then use the onXid(BinlogPosition, Long) method.
If you implement both onXid(Long) and onXid(BinlogPosition, Long),
then only onXid(BinlogPosition, Long) is called.
public void onXid(BinlogPosition nextPosition, Long xid) {
// transaction commit log
public void stopped() {
// cdc stopped
// start reading binary log.
// start() method launches a separate thread for reading log
cdc.start(); // do not block current thread
cdc.stop(); // stop reading
MariadbCdc#start() method launches a separate thread for reading binary log, so this method does not block the current thread.
By default, MariadbCdcListener#onDataChanged() is called for every changes. If you want to include/exclude specific tables, use filters:
// onDataChanged() called when only test.user table is changed
// onDataChanged() is not called when test.member table is changed
To include only updated columns, set binlog_row_image to minimal:
binlog_format = row
binlog_row_image = minimal
MINIMAL means that a PK equivalent (PK columns or full row if there is no PK in the table) is logged in the before image, and only changed columns are logged in the after image
When binlog_row_image is minimal and run the following query:
update member set name = 'newname' where id = 10
then RowChangedData#getDataRowBeforeUpdate() returns a DataRow which contains only pk columns, and RowChangedData#getDataRow() returns a DataRow which contains only updated columns.
public void onDataChanged(List<RowChangedData> list) {
// handle changed data
list.forEach(data -> { // each
String database = data.getDatabase(); // test
String table = data.getTable(); // member
DataRow afterDataRow = data.getDataRow(); // after image
if (data.getType() == ChangeType.UPDATE) {
DataRow beforeDataRow = data.getDataRowBeforeUpdate(); // before image
Long id = beforeDataRow.getLong("id"); // before image includes only pk columns
String name = afterDataRow.getString("name"); // after image includes only updated columns
// ...
MariaDB 10.5 supports binlog_row_metadata config variable. When binlog_row_metadata is FULL, then all metadata (including column names) is logged. So if binlog_row_metadata is FULL, no ColumnNamesGetter is required.
If you use bad position, then MariaCdc fail to start.
MariadbCdcConfig config = new MariadbCdcConfig(
"localhost", // host
3306, // port
"cdc", // user for cdc
"password", // password
// If bin.pos file had bad position
MariadbCdc cdc = new MariadbCdc(config, columnNamesGetter);
cdc.setMariadbCdcListener(new MariadbCdcListener() {
public void startFailed(Exception e) {
// startFailed() callback invoked
If you want to restart from last position when you use bad position, use true as usingLastPositionWhenBadPosition option value.
MariadbCdcConfig config = new MariadbCdcConfig(
"localhost", // host
3306, // port
"cdc", // user for cdc
"password", // password
// use true value for usingLastPositionWhenBadPosition
MariadbCdc cdc = new MariadbCdc(config, columnNamesGetter);
cdc.start(); // restart from last position if bin.pos file had bad position
Supported Two binlog readers:
- DefaultBinaryLogWrapper (default)
- BinLogReaderBinaryLogWrapper (experiment)
Default binlog reader is DefaultBinaryLogWrapper. DefaultBinaryLogWrapper use a mysql-binlog-connector-java(shyiko binlog).
If you want to change reader, use MariadbCdcConfig#setBinaryLogWrapperFactoryClass method:
- Only username/password authentication support
- No SSL support
- No gtid support