This is a dedicated demo for libpbrpc using C++.
It provides an interface between JavaScript in browser and local resources.
NPAPI is fading away. Chrome will drop it permanently and so will others.
One big advantage of NPAPI is local device accessibility such as hardware and file system.
There are alternatives, for Chrome you can use native messaging, for Firefox they came up with something similar called js-ctypes. But they won't save your day. These are not exactly the same thing, and what about other browsers? Safari, Edge and the old love IE?
The great thing about this project along with pbrpc-client-js is you get them all. Using Protocol Buffers or just plain JSON, you can handle all browsers.
One server rules the local resources including hardware and file system, the web client makes some RPC calls to get everything it wanted.
, the dependancies:
, the RPC lib.mongoose
, the HTTP server.
, the RPC definitions:
, defines a PING RPC.
, the source files implement the RPC server.
Simply use CMake to build.
The MIT Lisense.