It's a giant bash script to build my own Linux distro based on LFS + BLFS. Pronounce it in whatever way seems best to you.
Basically, just run sudo ./
and then stare at your terminal for several hours. Maybe meditate on life or something while you wait. Or maybe clean your room or do your dishes finally. I don't know. Do whatever you want. Maybe by the end of the script, you'll realize why you love linux so much: you love it because it is hard. Just like going to the moon, god dammit.
$ sudo ./ --help
Welcome to MyLFS.
-a|--start-package Select a phase and optionally a package
within that phase to start building from.
These options are only available if the preceeding
phases have been completed. They should really only
be used when something broke during a build, and you
don\'t want to start from the beginning again.
-o|--one-off Only build the specified phase/package.
-k|--kernel-config Optional path to kernel config file to use during linux
-u|--umount These options will mount or unmount the disk image to the
filesystem, and then exit the script immediately.
You should be sure to unmount prior to running any part of
the build, since the image will be automatically mounted
and then unmounted at the end.
-c|--clean This will unmount and delete the image, and clear the
-h|--help Show this message.
And that's all the help you're getting.