Unlock the Power of GPT: Experience Command-Line Magic with Interactive GPT Console!
GPT console is a command-line utility that provides an interactive interface to interact with OpenAI's GPT-powered language model.
This repository contains a single Python file gpt.py, which will be installed into ~/bin/g and have its PATH added to .bashrc or other configuration files.
Follow the instructions below to install gpt-console:
- Download the script Download the gpt.py script from the GitHub repository:
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl -L -o ~/bin/g https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mag-/gpt-console/main/gpt.py
chmod +x ~/bin/g
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"'
export OPENAI_API_KEY='...'
g "what is the sum of numbers 1 to 10""
You can also append a file to the prompt:
seq 1 10 > test
g "add numbers" test