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Merge pull request #12 from arceos-hypervisor/boot_linux_pci #1

Merge pull request #12 from arceos-hypervisor/boot_linux_pci

Merge pull request #12 from arceos-hypervisor/boot_linux_pci #1

Workflow file for this run

name: Build CI
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
profile: minimal
toolchain: nightly
components: rust-src, clippy, rustfmt
- name: Clone github submodule
run: git submodule update --init --recursive
- name: Clippy for the default target
run: cargo clippy --all-features
- name: Clippy for x86_64
run: make clippy ARCH=x86_64
- name: Clippy for riscv64
run: make clippy ARCH=riscv64
- name: Clippy for aarch64
run: make clippy ARCH=aarch64
- name: Check code format
run: cargo fmt --all -- --check
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
os: [ubuntu-latest]
arch: [x86_64, riscv64, aarch64]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
profile: minimal
toolchain: nightly
components: rust-src, llvm-tools-preview
- uses: actions-rs/[email protected]
crate: cargo-binutils
version: latest
use-tool-cache: true
- name: Clone github submodule
run: git submodule update --init --recursive
- name: Build helloworld
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/helloworld
- name: Build memtest
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/memtest
- name: Build exception
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/exception
- name: Build display
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/display GRAPHIC=y
- name: Build task/yield
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/task/yield
- name: Build task/parallel
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/task/parallel
- name: Build task/sleep
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/task/sleep
- name: Build fs/shell
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/fs/shell FS=y
- name: Build net/echoserver
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/net/echoserver NET=y
- name: Build net/httpclient
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/net/httpclient NET=y
- name: Build net/httpserver
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/net/httpserver NET=y
- name: Build hv
run: make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/hv HV=y
- name: Download musl toolchain
run: |
if [ "${{ matrix.arch }}" = "x86_64" ]; then
export MUSL_PATH="x86_64-linux-musl-cross"
elif [ "${{ matrix.arch }}" = "aarch64" ]; then
export MUSL_PATH="aarch64-linux-musl-cross"
elif [ "${{ matrix.arch }}" = "riscv64" ]; then
export MUSL_PATH="riscv64-linux-musl-cross"
tar -xf $MUSL_PATH.tgz
mv $MUSL_PATH musl
- name: Build c/helloworld
run: PATH=$PATH:$PWD/musl/bin make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/c/helloworld
- name: Build c/memtest
run: PATH=$PATH:$PWD/musl/bin make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/c/memtest
- name: Build c/sqlite3
run: PATH=$PATH:$PWD/musl/bin make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/c/sqlite3
- name: Build c/httpclient
run: PATH=$PATH:$PWD/musl/bin make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/c/httpclient
- name: Build c/httpserver
run: PATH=$PATH:$PWD/musl/bin make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/c/httpserver
- name: Build c/udpserver
run: PATH=$PATH:$PWD/musl/bin make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/c/udpserver
- name: Build c/iperf
run: PATH=$PATH:$PWD/musl/bin make ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} A=apps/c/iperf