The goal of EcoFresh is to deliver meal kits which means supplying recipes with ingredients with empirical measurements. We are aiming to establish a supply chain so our application would be a one stop platform for suppliers, administrators, and customers. We will provide suppliers with a dashboard to manage their inventory, whereas administrators would manage the entire website and handle feedback or customer complaints. With EcoFresh, our customers get fresh vegetables, fruits, spices, etc. in the right quantities as mentioned in the recipe they order. The quantity that will be supplied to them depends on how many portions they order. They can also post their unique recipe creations, which will be evaluated by the administrative team and if approved, the recipe is published on our blog, and we reward the user with credit points that can be redeemed on their next purchase.
- Date Created: 27 03 2022
- Last Modification Date: 12 04 2022
Project Group Repository:
- React - Frontend framework
- Node - Backend JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- Express - Web framework for Node
- MongoDB - NoSQL database used for data persistence
Client Side: [/client]
Server Side: [/server]
Client Side: [/client]
Server Side: [/server]
Client Side: [/client]
- Footer
- NavAdmin.js
- NavLanding.js
- NavUser.js
- CheckRequestStatus.js
- LandingPage.js
- UploadRecipe.js
- -UploadRecipeAdmin.js
- UploadRecipeHero.js
Server Side: [/server] -uploadImgToS3.js -adminRecipeRequestsRoute.js
Client Side: [/client]
Server Side: [/server]
Routes to Access Features "Complaint" and "Offers"
User Login (Credentials :- Email : [email protected] , Password : Kandarp@123)
Admin Login (Credentials :- Email ID: [email protected] , Password: AdminUser@123)
Mugdha Agharkar Features : Home Page(Browsing), Add to cart(Cart Management)
Client Side: [/client]
- Button.js
- Checkbox.js
- AdminAccountDropDown.js
- HomeAccountDropDown.js
- Filter.js
- RecipeCard.js
- PasswordTextBox.js
- TextBox.js
- Cart.js
- Error.js
- RecipeDetails.js
- UserHomepage.js
- [CartItem.js] (
- [] (
- [Cart.js] (
- [] (
- [cartModel.js] (
Server Side: [/server]
Client Side: [/client]
Server Side: [/server]
User Email ID: [email protected] Password: Mugdha@0701
Admin Email ID: [email protected] Password: AdminUser@123
Supplier Email ID: [email protected] Password: Supplier@123
- Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Expiry: Any future date
- CVV: Any 3 digit number
- Postal code: M5T 1T4