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Boundless is a React-based Story Format for Twine Its built upon the Unified ecosystem.


Boundless supports GitHub Flavored Markdown and a few additional features.

Passage Links

Passage links are defined using the [[ and ]] syntax. Boundless supports the following link formats:

Syntax Example
[[link target]] [[store]]
[[link text->link target]] [[go to the store->store]]
[[link target<-link text]] [[store<-go to the store]]
[[link text|link target]] [[go to the store|store]]

Markdown Directives

Boundless supports Remark's implementation of Markdown directives (via remark-directive), which are used to add HTML elements not normally supported by Markdown.

Container Directives

Container directives start with :::tag and end with :::, both of which must appear on their own separate line.

This is a section.

You can also add attributes to the container directive by adding {key="value"} after the tag name.

:::section{style="color: red"}
Here is some content

Will produce:

<section style="color: red">
  Here is some content

Any attributes that starts with a . will be added to the container's class list.

:::section{.red .bold}
Here is some content

Will produce:

<section class="red bold">
  Here is some content
State Variables in Attributes

You can also use state values in attributes (see the :state[key] Directive for more information). For example:

App.set({test: "Hello World!"})

Here is some content

Will produce:

<section data-state="Hello World!">
  Here is some content

You can also use state values as class names:

App.set({test: "red"})

:::section{.bold .:state[test]}
Here is some content

Will produce:

<section class="bold red">
  Here is some content
Special Container Directives

The :::script container directive is used to add JavaScript to the passage. The code is executed as soon as the passage loads (see "Global API" below for information on how to access application variables).

console.log("Hello, world!")

The :::if[condition] container directive is used to conditionally render content. The content inside the directive will only be rendered if the condition is true.

Using a single word as the condition will check if the variable exists in the Global App state. Therefore, the following two examples are equivalent:

This will be rendered assuming the `key` exists in the application state and is truthy.

Is equivalent to:

This will be rendered assuming the `key` exists in the application state and is truthy.

You can also negate the condition by prefixing it with !.

This will be rendered assuming the `key` does not exist in the application state or is

Is equivalent to:

This will be rendered assuming the `key` does not exist in the application state or is

The :::html container directive is used to render raw HTML content. This is useful for very complex content.

  This is some <strong>HTML</strong> content.
    <li>It can be as complex as you want.</li>
    <li>It can even contain <a href="">links</a>.</li>

The :state[key] directive also works in :::html directives.

App.set({test: "Hello World!"})

  This is some <strong>HTML</strong> content.
  <p>Here is a state variable: :state[test]</p>

::include[passageName] Directives

The ::include[passageName] directive is used to include other passages in the current passage. For example, let's say you have two passages: welcome and store.

Here is the contents of welcome:

Welcome to the store!

Here is the contents of store:


These are the items in the store:
- content
- content

Will produce:

Welcome to the store!

These are the items in the store:
- content
- content

:state[key] Directives

The :state[key] directive is used to access the value of a state variable.

App.set({test: "Hello World!"})

This is the value of the `test` variable: :state[test]

Will produce:

This is the value of the `test` variable: Hello World!

Global API

Boundless exposes two global objects: App and Story. These are accessible from Story's JavaScript.


Used to access/manipulate application data.


Returns the value of the specified key in the application state. If no key is specified, the entire application state is returned.

App.get('key') // => value
App.get() // => { key: value }

App.set(key, [value])

Sets the value of the specified key in the application state. If no value is specified and the key is an object, the new state is merged with the existing state.

App.set('key', 'value') // => { key: 'value' }
App.set({ key: 'value2', key2: 'value2' }) // => { key: 'value2', key2: 'value2' }


Used to access/manipulate story data such as what passage is currently being displayed.