A simple PHP layout manager which can be integrated with any PHP project.
Suppose you are working on a PHP project and:
- You want different themes, e.g. your backend and frontend has different themes.
- You want to use different layouts e.g. main layout, reduced layout, etc.
- You want to include you assets (js, css) on demand rather than adding all the assets in your layout file.
- By default theme path is: /your_project/php-layout-manager/../themes/default/
- By default layouts reside inside /your_project/php-layout-manager/../themes/default/layouts/
- By default views reside inside /your_project/php-layout-manager/../themes/default/views/
- Default layout is main.php
- Default theme folder name is default
require_once /your_project/php-layout-manager/../inc.php
$manager = new Theme();
$manager->render('test', array('name' => 'Muhammad Mahad Azad'));
This piece of code will render /your_project/php-layout-manager/../themes/default/views/test.php and you can access $name variable inside this view file which will have value 'Muhammad Mahad Azad'
This view will be wrapped inside /your_project/php-layout-manager/../themes/default/layouts/main.php the layout files have special variable $content which contains the views that are being rendered.
You can use addStyle and addScript inside your views/layouts/controllers
Method | Parameters | Description |
render | $file, $data = array(), $return = false | renders the view file wrapped inside layout file, $data contains parameters which will be exposed as variables inside the view file; keys will become variable name inside view file, if return is true the output is not rendered instead returned. |
renderPartial | $file, $data = array(), $return = false | Same as render() method only difference is it does not wrap the view file inside layout. |
addScript | $script, $priority = NULL | Add .js file in head of the layout |
addStyle | $style, $priority = NULL | Add .css file in head of the layout |
setThemePath | $themePath | Sets the theme path default to: ./../themes/default/ |
setLayout | $layout | Layout name without .php inside layouts folder |
layoutFolder | $layoutFolder | Layout folder inside themes folder |
viewFolder | $viewFolder | Views folder inside themes folder |
- Copy the files inside your codeigniter project /ci_root/application/libraries
- For ease of use lets extend core CI_Controller:
// /ci_root/application/core/MY_Controller.php
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct() {
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libraries/inc.php';
$this->theme->setThemePath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../themes/default/');
- Now extend your controllers with MY_Controller instead of CI_Controller
// /ci_root/application/controllers/Welcome.php
class Welcome extends MY_Controller {
public function index() {
// renders /ci_project/application/themes/default/views/welcome_message.php
// and wraps it into /ci_project/application/themes/default/layouts/main.php
<!-- // /ci_root/application/themes/default/layouts/main.php -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php echo $content ?>
<!-- // /ci_root/application/themes/default/views/welcome_message.php -->
// add script on demand
$this->addScript(base_url() . '/my_welcome_message.js')
Hello World!