#Tour of Heroes Angular Tutorial with a Mongodb backend
This code falls under the following license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
It is a version of the Tour of Heroes Tutorial, from the Angular documentation website, with a Mongodb back-end added. You can find the original tutorial for the front-end here:
##Changes from the Original:
The urls have been changed and the in-memory database imports
have been commented out, the name of the heroes property, id
, has been changed
to hid
to avoid confusion with the mongodb document property, _id
Also, the Angular skeleton for this project was generated using angular-cli
The code from the Tour of Heroes tutorial was adapted to fit with the angular-cli
skeletal structure. Lastly, the code has been divided into more folders to make it
look less cluttered. Import paths have been adjusted accordingly.
The backend of this uses Mongodb, Node.js, and Koa. This backend architecture is the substantial contribution in this code base.
In the heroes-server folder, there is a folder named public
. This public folder
is just a production build of the heroes-app folder, created by running:
ng build -prod
while at the root of the heroes-app folder.
The resulting dist
folder that is produced from this command was copied to the
folder and renamed public
. To run the build command yourself,
you will have to globally install angular-cli using npm.
You can run this project by entering the heroes-server folder and typing:
>npm install
>node app.js
and then accessing the program by loading up a browser and visiting:
It should be noted that you will need a mongod daemon running on mongodb's default port, 27017. You will have to have a database named TourOfHeroes created along with a collection named heroes, populated with documents that have a 'name' property and an 'hid' number property. You will also need a collection in the same database named counters. You should populate counters with a single documents that looks like this:
{"name" : "heroes", "seq" : 0 }
where the value of the property, seq
corresponds to the number of documents
you put in the heroes collection.
The document in the counters collection will of course have an underscore id property as well.
###Generating the Mongdb database
Here is a list of commands that might generate the initial database when executed from the mongo shell:
use TourOfHeroes;
db.heroes.insert({hid: 11, name: "Mr. Nice"});
db.heroes.insert({hid: 12, name: "Narco"});
db.heroes.insert({hid: 13, name: "Bombasto"});
db.counters.insert({"name" : "heroes", "seq" : 3 });
Best of luck to you!