Many of us have grown up playing Super Mario Brothers, one of most famous games in gaming industry. This game is android Clone of famous Super mario Brothers from Nintendo. This game was started as a project to learn android programming, but soon it came out as close as professional game. Hence this game is released to bring our memories back. It is absolutely free, and will remain free forever.
You can try playing here
Have a look at the starting screen...
Powers : Power Up, Bullets
Enemies : Goomba, Koopa , Flying koopa, Latiku, Bowser, with some AI
Items : Springs and Platforms
Worlds : Ground-World, Fire-Word, Water-World
Controls : Tilt, KeyBoard, OnScreenControl
Disclaimer: This game is non commercial, non profitable and released for entertainment purpose only. It uses many resources from Net, if any copyrights is violated (which is purely unintentional), please let us know.
Download the .apk file from the link given below...
For installation, you must have enabled the option of install apps from unknown sources. For this, go to the sttings, then go to security and enable the corresponding option.
Source code also conatins a stand alone gui editor to edit level in mario games.
just import, edit and save levels to see you creativity in action
The project is ready to run on eclipse. Clone or download project to your pc and then import it as general>>existing project into workspace . The source code contains 2 source folders
- libgdx-mario-src (contains source code for libgdx game)
- java-mario-src (contains source code for java game and map editor)
main Class for game: /libgdx-mario/libgdx-mario-src/com/mygdx/game/mario/ main class for editor: /libgdx-mario/java-mario-src/com/shikhar/mario/editor/