This project helps maintains the workforce of a construction company.
1.1 OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM Construction Workforce will be one of the large commercial and informative website, providing its services to Labourers. Major functionalities of the website include providing services to the Labourers and a platform to the construction company to advertise their requirements for the Labourers. Construction company can register themselves by giving the details and requirements for the labours. Once labours register with the site, providing them with all the details of the requirements for the Labourers. Labourers can select the required job openings. The Labourers and the Construction company can give feedback and rate each other based on the Jobs.
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Its no secret that our construction industry is undergoing some changes and problems at the moment. One of the main problems is the shortage of the Labourers in the industry. There is no proper utilization of the present Labourers also. Even Labourers don’t get the good wages for their work.
- ADMINISTRATION:- This module provides the administrator related functionalities. Administrator manages entire application and maintain the profiles of Construction company and Labourers. Administrator can access, view and edit information of all other users. This user can authenticate and activates Construction company profiles. The details of the Construction company will be passed on to the Labourers by the administrator. Manages the Construction company’s profiles and sends notification to the Labourers and the Construction company. Administrator has the privilege to make announcements on the website which can be viewed by the Labourers and the Construction company.
- CONSTRUCTION COMPANY:- This module provides functionalities related to the Construction company. Construction company can post details of the job openings and update the details as and when necessary. Construction company can register with the site by giving details about the job openings and availability of the job openings. Construction company can advertise about their job openings that they provide. This allows potential Labourers to filter the job openings by category and order the job openings.
- LABOURERS:- This module provides functionalities related to the Labourers. Labourers can browse through the present job openings by category and availability. Labourers also can get email alerts about the job openings which they have ordered. Labourers can also provide feedback and ratings to the Construction company based on the job openings they have received.
- FEEDBACK /RATING SYSTEM:- This module provides the functionalities for the administrator to overview all the feedbacks and ratings of the Labourers to sort the quality of the Construction company and their job openings, which could help the administrator to maintain the integrity and reputation of the website.
- REGISTRATION:- This module is used for the registration of authenticated users of the website. The registered users could be administrator, Construction company and Labourers. The sub-modules of registration modules are Construction company and Labourers registration, login of registered user, changing password and recovering password of registered users.