Chef cookbook to install and configure stunnel
This is the final release to support Chef 12 which is End of Life as of April 2018. If you still need Chef 12 support, please version pin a 3.x release to prevent possible issues. To migrate, please see the README with migration instructions.
- Chef 12.6+
- Ubuntu 14.04+
- CentOS 6.9+
An stunnel_connection
resource is provided for defining stunnel connections. As a client:
include_recipe 'stunnel'
stunnel_connection 'random_service' do
connect "#{rnd_srv_node['ipaddress']}:#{rnd_srv_node['random_service']['port']}"
accept node['random_service']['local_accept_port']
notifies :restart, 'service[stunnel]'
As a server:
include_recipe 'stunnel::server'
stunnel_connection 'random_service' do
accept node['random_service']['tunnel_port']
connect node['random_service']['port']
notifies :restart, 'service[stunnel]'
Lots of configurable attributes:
default['stunnel']['install_method'] = 'package' # the other valid option is 'source'
default['stunnel']['packages'] = %w(stunnel4)
default['stunnel']['service_name'] = 'stunnel4'
default['stunnel']['ssl_dir'] = '/etc/ssl'
default['stunnel']['server_ssl_req'] = "/C=US/ST=Several/L=Locality/O=Example/OU=Operations/CN=#{node['fqdn']}/emailAddress=root@#{node['fqdn']}"
default['stunnel']['cert_fqdn'] = node['fqdn']
default['stunnel']['use_chroot'] = false
default['stunnel']['chroot_path'] = "/usr/var/lib/stunnel"
default['stunnel']['pidfile'] = "/tmp/"
default['stunnel']['user'] = "root"
default['stunnel']['group'] = "root"
default['stunnel']['ulimit'] = nil # set to a number to add ulimit setting to init script
default['stunnel']['https']['enabled'] = false
default['stunnel']['https']['accept_port'] = "443"
default['stunnel']['https']['connect_port'] = "81"
default['stunnel']['client_mode'] = true
default['stunnel']['fips'] = nil
default['stunnel']['ssl_version'] = 'all'
default['stunnel']['ssl_options'] = 'NO_SSLv2'
default['stunnel']['socket_tunings'] = %w(l:TCP_NODELAY=1 r:TCP_NODELAY=1)
default['stunnel']['compression'] = nil # zlib
default['stunnel']['debug'] = nil # 3
default['stunnel']['output'] = '/var/log/stunnel.log'
# key value pair mapping for default var file
default['stunnel']['default']['enabled'] = 1
default['stunnel']['default']['files'] = '/etc/stunnel/*.conf'
default['stunnel']['default']['options'] = ''
FIPS mode can be enabled or disabled with the attribute ['stunnel']['fips']
. A value of nil will omit the
"fips" setting from the config file altogether, falling back to the default behavior for that version of stunnel:
- For 4.x releases FIPS defaults to on if stunnel was compiled with FIPS support.
- For 5.x releases FIPS defaults to off.
A set of ChefSpec matchers is included for unit testing with ChefSpec. These are automatically available when you make this cookbook a dependency in your cookbook's metadata. To illustrate:
Recipe code:
stunnel_connection 'haproxy_ssl' do
accept '443'
connect '8443'
And the matching spec:
it 'should create stunnel_connection haproxy_ssl' do
expect(chef_run).to create_stunnel_connection('haproxy_ssl').with(
accept: '443',
connect: '8443'
You can also make assertions for notifying other resources:
it 'should notify stunnel to restart on changes to stunnel_connection[haproxy_ssl]' do
resource = chef_run.stunnel_connection('haproxy_ssl')
expect(resource).to notify('service[stunnel]').to(:restart)
A matcher for the delete action is also available:
it 'should delete stunnel_connection haproxy_ssl' do
expect(chef_run).to delete_stunnel_connection('haproxy_ssl')
To run the tests, make sure you've got the latest ChefDK along with
Vagrant then you can run chef exec kitchen test
which will run the
entire test suite on all platforms.
- Author:: Aaron Kalin
Copyright:: 2016-2018 DNSimple Corp
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.