- Kiev, Ukraine
docker-nginx-h2 Public
The docker container contains the nginx configuration with support http 2.0
design-patterns Public
In software engineering, a software design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. It is not a finished design that can be …
spring-security-oauth Public
Forked from spring-attic/spring-security-oauthSupport for adding OAuth1(a) and OAuth2 features (consumer and provider) for Spring web applications.
spring-security-oauth-1 Public
Forked from Baeldung/spring-security-oauthLearn Spring Security Course:
apidoc Public
Forked from apidoc/apidocRESTful web API Documentation Generator.
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 10, 2016 -
tut-spring-security-and-angular-js Public
Forked from spring-guides/tut-spring-security-and-angular-jsSpring Security and Angular JS:: A tutorial on how to use Spring Security with a single page application with various backend architectures, ranging from a simple single server to an API gateway wi…
tut-react-and-spring-data-rest Public
Forked from spring-attic/tut-react-and-spring-data-restReact.js and Spring Data REST :: A tutorial based on the 5-part blog series by Greg Turnquist
JavaScript UpdatedMay 10, 2016 -
sphinx4 Public
Forked from cmusphinx/sphinx4Pure Java speech recognition library
spring-social-samples Public
Forked from spring-attic/spring-social-samplesSamples of using Spring Social
mongodb Public
Forked from tutumcloud/mongodbDocker image to run an out-of-the-box MongoDB server
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 17, 2016 -
apis Public
Forked from OAuth-Apis/apisOAuth Authorization as a Service
spring-boot-oauth2 Public
Forked from rajithd/spring-boot-oauth2Spring Boot Oauth2 with H2 database
DeepLearning Public
Forked from yusugomori/DeepLearningDeep Learning (Python, C, C++, Java, Scala, Go)
java-driver Public
Forked from apache/cassandra-java-driverDataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra
aws-lambda-s3-image-scaler Public
Forked from d3alek/aws-lambda-s3-image-scaler -
social-auth-bootstrap Public
Forked from manasb-uoe/social-auth-bootstrap -
aws-s3-speed Public
Forked from takipi/aws-s3-speedTest AWS speeds to the different regions
youtube-mp3 Public
Forked from MaxGfeller/youtube-mp3npm module for downloading a youtube video as mp3 file
JavaScript UpdatedJun 14, 2014 -
spring-security-oauth-javaconfig Public
Forked from spring-attic/spring-security-oauth-javaconfig