Various how tos and base info for Matrix Crypto Currency. Masternode, mining, exchanges, nodes and such.
Initiated and curated by MATRIX
This is a WIP, your feedback is most welcome.
Open issues to propose a subject.
Background info about MATRIX usage, community.
Requirements for being a masternode, and ROI plan.
Well, you guess! How to install wallet and node on various OS.
Want to mine some $MAN?
An issue with MATRIX's miner?
That's the place.
Configuring, maintening, troubleshoting your node(s)
Official Wallet usage and FAQ
Further info for the techies, academics and devs out there.
This content is published under the MIT licence.
In a Nutshell: You can do anything you want with it, as long as you credit the source (This repo, MATRIXAINETWORKMAN)