- Mumbai
- @manasrnkar
system-design-primer Public
Forked from donnemartin/system-design-primerLearn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Python Other UpdatedMar 27, 2022 -
interrogate Public
Forked from econchick/interrogateExplain yourself! Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 20, 2021 -
ib_insync-guide-interactive-brokers Public
Forked from PythonForForex/ib_insync-guide-interactive-brokersA guide to using the Interactive Brokers API with the Python ib_insync library
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 5, 2021 -
Interactive-brokers-python-api-guide Public
Forked from PythonForForex/Interactive-brokers-python-api-guideThe code used for the article "Interactive Brokers Python API (Native) – A Step-by-step Guide" on the AlgoTrading101 Blog
Python UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
mednli Public
Forked from jgc128/mednliMedNLI - A Natural Language Inference Dataset For The Clinical Domain
Python UpdatedOct 21, 2019 -
glove-gensim Public
Converting GloVe vectors into word2vec format for easy usage with Gensim
semantic-release Public
Forked from semantic-release/semantic-release📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 20, 2019 -
travis-pls Public
Forked from naftulikay/travis-plsA utility for disturbing standard output to keep Travis jobs alive.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2018 -
understanding-pytorch-batching-lstm Public
Forked from ngarneau/understanding-pytorch-batching-lstmUnderstanding and visualizing PyTorch Batching with LSTM
cs231n.github.io Public
Forked from cs231n/cs231n.github.ioPublic facing notes page
SalesAI Public
A sales assistant bot built atop Amazon Lex, AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB and Python
graphdb-free Public
Docker Image for Ontotext GraphDB Free edition
PDFLayoutTextStripper Public
Forked from JonathanLink/PDFLayoutTextStripperConverts a pdf file into a text file while keeping the layout of the original pdf. Useful to extract the content from a table in a pdf file for instance. This is a subclass of PDFTextStripper class…
semantica Public
All you need for text preprocessing for NLP
google-interview-university Public
Forked from jwasham/coding-interview-universityA complete daily plan for studying to become a Google software engineer.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedJan 11, 2017 -
hacker-scripts Public
Forked from NARKOZ/hacker-scriptsBased on a true story
stack-on-a-budget Public
Forked from 255kb/stack-on-a-budgetA collection of services with great free tiers for developers on a budget
MemNN Public
Forked from facebookarchive/MemNNMemory Networks implementations
Lua Other UpdatedDec 20, 2016 -
python-crfsuite Public
Forked from scrapinghub/python-crfsuiteA python binding for crfsuite
Python UpdatedDec 19, 2016 -
algorithms-practice Public
Solutions to algorithms encountered on HackerRank & Project Euler
learning-to-learn Public
Forked from google-deepmind/learning-to-learnLearning to Learn in TensorFlow
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 12, 2016 -
code-catalog-python Public
Forked from jwasham/code-catalog-pythonAlgorithms and data structures for review for coding interview.
p_vs_np_challenge Public
Forked from petkofff/p_vs_np_challengeThis is the Traveling Salesman coding challenge by @Sirajology on Youtube
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 30, 2016 -
cs-video-courses Public
Forked from Developer-Y/cs-video-coursesList of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
DeepLearningBook Public
Forked from daviddao/deep-learning-bookMIT Deep Learning Book in PDF format
1 UpdatedNov 21, 2016 -
MLAlgorithms Public
Forked from rushter/MLAlgorithmsMinimal and clean examples of machine learning algorithms
semantic Public
Forked from charliermarsh/semanticA Python library for extracting semantic information from text, such as dates and numbers.