- Introduction
- Environment Variables
- Run Locally
- Installation
- Swagger Documentation
- API Reference
- Actuators
- Code Coverage
- Deployment
- Authors
- Contributing
- Feedback
Manasbi Chautaari is a podcast that I founded and host on Anchor platform. Although the podcast is already available on different popular platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, as a Software Developer, I wanted to experiment with my podcast RSS feed and tailor to my needs either via a web application, mobile app or even streamable under Manasbi Chautaari name.
Manasbi Chautaari API serves the endpoints to getting the metadata for the podcast. The application is written in Java using Spring Boot framework. It consumes public RSS feed for the podcast and uses JAXB to unmarshall the XML content to Java POJOs.
The application exposes two endpoints defined in PodcastContentController
To run this project, pass the following environment variables
: valid values are dev, local, prod
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/manasbiparajuli/manasbi-chautaari-api
Go to the project directory
cd manasbi-chautaari-api
Open the project on IntelliJ as a maven project. As the project uses JDK19, ensure that IntelliJ is configured to run the project using SDK of Java 19. For example, if you have Amazon Corretto 19 installed on your machine, you can configure as below:
File -> Project Structure -> SDK -> corretto-19
To comply with coding standards, install the following plugins:
- google-java-format
- SonarLint
- Pom Format
- QAPlug
- QAPlug - Checkstyle
- QAPlug - FindBugs
- QAPlug - PMD
- CheckStyle-IDEA
The default entry for the application is under ManasbiChautaariApiApplicationClass.java
The default spring profile
is set to local and can be overwritten by setting spring profile in environment variable.
To run the application from command line:
mvn spring-boot:run
The default root directory for the project redirects to Swagger UI home page and can be accessed
at {domain}/api/v1/swagger-ui/index.html
GET /api/v1/channel
GET /api/v1/episodes
The project has configured actuators using Spring Actuator and only exposes the following endpoints: health, info. The
endpoints can be accessed at {domain}/actuator/{endpoint}
The project uses Jacoco plugin to generate code coverage. Locations for coverage report can be found as below:
- In binary format:
- In readable formats such as XML, CSV and HTML
Application has been deployed to Heroku with automatic deployments from master branch.
Contributions are always welcome!
See CONTRIBUTING.md for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.
If you have any feedback, please open a GitHub issue and I will respond to it.