NanoDrive Pro is a VGM and s98 player for YM2608 and YM2151 works with Longan Nano.
Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
The firmware of LinnStrument, an Open Revolutionary Expressive Musical Performance Controller
A controller for the XFM2 Synthesizer using Qt
Teensy 3.6 based synthesizer using PJRC Audio Board and Audio Lib
A MIDI-compatible Sega Genesis/Megadrive Synthesizer with REAL sound chips.
python sample mixer and sequencer, waveform synthesizer, and sound playback engine
Interactive fiction (text adventure) and Mud framework
Software and hardware platform for simpler building of MIDI controllers.
Software for the ym2151-Shield for Arduino
Arduino library for use with the OPL2 board (YM3812) and OPL3Duo (YMF262)
A Video Game Music player based on the YM3812 (OPL2) and Teensy 3.5
A Sega Genesis music player based off of the STM32 BluePill board and real YM2612+SN76489 sound chips.
Get data from the road closures map, restructure it, save it
AVR based VGM player (using Megadrive sound chips)
inkle's open source scripting language for writing interactive narrative.
Arduino library supports many HC-SR04 sensors via I2C bus and hardware interrupt
Emacs mac port formulae for the Homebrew package manager
Gently redirecting the Dash button through monitor mode
This project will provide source code to build a HomeKit support accessories.