Modern emulation for 1984 Atari coin-op "I, Robot"
This is my attempt to make the "definitive" high-resolution version of the emulator. This version makes full use of modern graphics card features and anti-aliasing.
For comparison here is the original game:
And here is the equivalent in high-res ultra-widescreen mode
A number of cheats / hacks have been built into the game. Check the menus.
You will need a copy of the original I, Robot ROMs to use this emulator. The standard MAME ROMset can be used. Place your ROMs in a file called "" and place in the same directory as the emulator.
- left-shift / left-control: fire button
- 1: start 1 button
- 2: start 2 button
- 5: insert left coin
- 6: insert right coin
- 7: insert aux coin
- Escape: open game menu
- Tab: toggle test switch
- F3: reset CPU
- F10: toggle speed throttling
- Spacebar: pause / unpause game
- Enter: step CPU till next rendering frame