For this project my goal is to create a Deep reinforcement learning Code that can avoid obstacles while trying to get to a target
I saw a code of a DQN agent in the repository of ROBOTIS. But to create a better agent to control Robots I didn't see DQN with too much help in project because it only permits discrete actions. So my idea were to create a DDPG algorithm's agent based. A DDPG agent permits continous control for a robot. In my case I have as outputs: linear velocity (0 ~ 0.22m/s) and angular velocity (-1 ~ 1rad/s).
$ pip install torchvision --user
$ pip3 install torchvision --user
You can find the packages the I used here:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
To install my package you will do the same from above.
In: turtlebot3/turtlebot3_description/urdf/turtlebot3_burger.gazebo.xacro.
<xacro:arg name="laser_visual" default="false"/> # Visualization of LDS. If you want to see LDS, set to `true`
<samples>360</samples> # The number of sample. Modify it to 10
I have four stage as in the examples of Robotis. But I dont know yet my code dont have a geat performance in stage 3.
First to run:
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_stage_{number_of_stage}.launch
In another terminal run:
roslaunch project ddpg_stage_{number_of_stage}.launch