- Seattle, WA
- http://maniacbug.wordpress.com/
StandardCplusplus Public
Standard C++ for Arduino (port of uClibc++)
MemoryFree Public
Arduino MemoryFree library. Hosting it on github for easy access
NanodeUIP Public
Forked from sde1000/NanodeUIPPort of uIP library to Nanode
Cryptosuite Public
Forked from Cathedrow/CryptosuiteCryptographic suite for Arduino (SHA, HMAC-SHA)
VS1053 Public
Driver library for VS1053 - Ogg Vorbis / MP3 / AAC / WMA / FLAC / MIDI Audio Codec Chip
RTClib Public
Forked from adafruit/RTClibA fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC library
IcyArduino Public
Arduino on Ice - Internet Radio via Shoutcast/Icecast
NanodeUNIO Public
Forked from sde1000/NanodeUNIODriver for Microchip UNI/O devices on Nanode (eg. the MAC address chip)
libmaple Public
Forked from leaflabs/libmapleC and C++ library for STM32 ARM Cortex-M3 development boards.
ZMAC Public
Makes an Arduino Library from the Atmel 802.15.4 MAC distribution
LiquidCrystal2 Public
Fork of the stock Arduino LiquidCrystal library, refactored to isolate hardware interface
LcdMCP23018 Public
Hardware interface layer to enable Arduino driving an LCD over MCP23018 I/O expander
WiShield Public
Forked from asynclabs/WiShieldWiShield library for the Arduino development platform